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Third Grade Blogger

3rd Grade – 6/9

What a year this has been! Our study of New York, from the original inhabitants, the Lenape, Hudson’s voyages, the Dutch, to the construction of the Erie Canal and Brooklyn Bridge, culminated in an amazing and exciting production! The kids did a fantastic job and I am so proud of them! Next stop, Broadway! We read Stone Fox and were devastated at the ending (no spoilers!), Because of Winn Dixie and sympathized with Opal’s journey, and Save Me a Seat and learned about perspective and assumptions. In between, we read books independently and participated in book clubs. We were prolific...
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3rd blog – 5/25-Chag Shavuot Sameach!!

May continues to be a busy month with play rehearsals happening every day! We finally made it to the “big stage” and began practicing as a whole grade. It is sure to be a crowd pleaser! We began our last unit of writing, a personal narrative. Students were asked to think back to the beginning of the year and their first writing piece! Some remembered what they wrote about, and some needed a reminder! But the skills they learned remained as we made a list of what should be included in a personal narrative. Things like the 5 senses, similes...
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3rd blog – 5/12

Play, play, play! Students have been practicing for our end of year celebration and the New York play. We are working on learning our lines, following cues, and remembering song lyrics and dance moves. It’s coming together so nicely, we can’t wait to share it with all of you! In between practices, we completed our poetry study! Connecting poetry to our social studies unit, we examined the poem by Emma Lazarus that is on the Statue of Liberty. Students then wrote their own poem for new immigrants. After reviewing all the poems they wrote, students chose three poems to publish....
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3rd blog – 4/28

We had an eventful two weeks back at school! We began exploring poetry, as April is National Poetry Month. In this writing unit we examine a specific style of poetry and then create our own poems based on that style. We’ve written one in the style of William Carlos Williams, a poem showing personification, an acrostic, a poem using our five senses, a concrete, a poem about ourselves using similes, and a poem about immigration. At the end of the unit, students will choose 3 poems to publish! We also began our final read aloud, Save Me a Seat. This...
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3rd blog – 3/30

It was so nice seeing you all at conferences and sharing your child’s progress. It’s amazing how far they have come since the beginning of the year! After exploring different biographies, each student was assigned a person of color to study that has made major achievements or contributions in their field. We are researching people of color throughout history until today who were active in politics, law, science, music, writing, dance, and others. Using the skills we learned during our Lenape research, we began to research and write a biography on our person. We have been looking at articles, books,...
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3rd Blog – 3/3

Welcome back! We hope you all had an enjoyable break. This week we started all new units! In reading and writing, we started with biographies. We learned that biographies are stories about real people. As such, we can read biographies using skills we learned while reading fiction stories. First, we read about a person to determine what kind of person they were. Some examples are: Raye didn’t give up because when someone told her only white men can work here, she learned about it anyway, Trudy is determined, modest, and courageous because Trudy did something that only 5 men had...
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3rd Blog – 2/17 – Have a wonderful break !

Reading: We continued, and finished, reading Because of Winn Dixie, analyzing how Opal reacts to problems that she faces. We’ve noticed that Opal faces them head-on, making her very brave. She asks the preacher about her mother, even though she is afraid to, and always talks back to the Dewberry boys. We then looked at different supportive characters, Gloria Dump, Miss Franny, and Amanda Wilkinson. We established that their roles are as advisor, friend, and challenger. These supporting characters help our main character move along their story mountain. Sometimes they make their journey easier, and sometimes they make it...
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3rd Blog – 1/27

We are continuing to read Because of Winn-Dixie and learning all about the main character, Opal. We thought that she was kind because she rescued Winn-Dixie, but we realized that it extended to people too when she asked Miss Franny to be her friend. We dug deeper into her personality to theorize why Opal is like this. We thought it might be because she’s lonely after moving to a new town and not having any friends. The thing she wants the most is to have friends. We are transferring these comprehension skills to the books we are reading in our...
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3rd Blog – 1/13

Happy New Year! We hope you all had a wonderful break! After reviewing school rules and routines, we dove right back into learning. In reading, we started a new read aloud! We’ll be reading Because of Winn Dixie and focusing on the characters in this story. We also got our book club groups, so that we can use the comprehension skills we learn during our read aloud on our independent books. Ask your child what book they’re reading. In writing we began our opinion writing unit. These kids sure do have strong opinions! At first we simply brainstormed different ideas....
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3rd Blog- 12/16

It was so nice seeing all of you for our Lenape celebration!  Last week we started all new units! In reading, we started reading mysteries! First we looked at the blurb and tried to figure out what the mystery was and who would solve it. In our read aloud, The Absent Author, Dink’s favorite author goes missing and Dink, Josh, and Ruth Rose were going to solve it.  As we read together, we tried to solve the mystery before the characters, so we collected clues, identified suspects and their motive and opportunity. We summarized the mystery and shared our own...
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