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February 15, 2019

Kindergarten General Studies

Happy 100th Day of School!  We celebrated by rotating through five activities including 100 Lego, 100 Cheerios necklaces,100 Things We Love About School, and some time in the gym.  A good time was had by all! In Social Studies we read a book about having brothers and sisters.  Children shared what is both fun and challenging about being a sibling. We also read a book about a child who has two homes. Children also finished their Family Collages and added a  sentence about what they like to do with their families. You will see these hanging in the hallway when...
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Dear Kindergarten Families.

הורים יקרים, We had an exciting last week before February break!   Today we celebrated the 100th day of school! Your children have been working hard, learning lots, and having plenty of fun.   In Hebrew we continued exploring ways to describe how we feel. We made books about our emotions and shared them during our morning meeting.   In Judaics we learned how rainbows are made of light and color. We experimented with color mixing and made a “walking rainbow” with food coloring and paper towels. We also read the story of the Tower of Babel, and talked about...
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Hello 4th Grade Families

General Studies with Mike: We completed our unit on fractions early last week and moved into a mini unit on data and probability. The students are practicing finding the mean, median, mode, and range of various different data sets. When we return from break, we will jump right into decimals. Over break, you might want to preview the concept with discussions of money. (Ask, “What does it mean if I have $1.01 vs. $1.10?) Students are now well into their book club books, responding to the texts in their book club journals, and taking on various roles in discussions. The...
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Weeks 22 and 23: Monday, February 4th – Friday, February 15th

Hebrew Dear parents, This week the students finished watching the Israeli movie “Apples in the Desert”. The movie deals with the complex topic of seculars and religious Jews in Israel. The students practiced listening comprehension while listening to the movie, they practiced their speech skills while discussing the movie, and at the end, they completed written reflections in writing. The written reflections were due today and will be graded. I wish you a relaxing and safe vacation, Andreea Heritage להורים שלום, השבוע עבדנו על תרגול זמן עתיד באמצעות הסיפור של יהודה אטלס, “שלוש משאלות”. המספר על זוג זקנים שאינם מרוצים...
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5th Grade Week of 2/11

Please enjoy our updates below, and have a wonderful break! Humanities Another strong week in Humanities! We are continuing our study of Tuck Everlasting, including exploring the theme of immortality, as well as symbolism and figurative language. We wrapped up our Ancient India unit by debating whether the Gupta or Mauryan Empire was greater, and began our Egypt unit by exploring different kinds of maps. Have a great break!-Tony Judaics In Chumash we are fully into Joseph’s time in Egypt. We are exploring how he is changing as a person because of his experiences. We discussed how we have had...
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February 15, 2019

Advisory Students participated in a workshop about being allies in the midst of bullying behaviors, situations, and language. Students thought about people’s identities and how to communicate effectively, even in the midst of a disagreement or shift in perspective.   Hebrew K This week we continued to review the topic of the “Tzabar” Israeli. We talked about traits and characteristics and focused on the term “Hutzpa”. We discussed the positive ad negative aspects of the word, watched a video on the topic and debated a few examples , deciding if they are positive or negative. Hebrew J This week we...
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6th Grade News 2/4 – 2/15/19

HUMANITIES  Last week in Social Studies, students reviewed all the steps that were involved in building the ancient Egyptian pyramids – from choosing the perfect spot, to finding and carving the stones, to hauling the stones up temporary ramps to build the pyramids. After reading about all the different jobs and kinds of labor involved, students acted out the entire pyramid-building process. See videos of their skits below! Links to Pyramid-Building Skits – What are the four stages of building a pyramid?  (Note: don’t worry – these videos are not public or searchable! They are only accessible to people who...
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February 15, 2019 — The Fall of New Amsterdam

General Studies with Hilary WRITING: Throughout the end of January and into February, we have worked on coming up with a topic for persuasive speeches. Some students chose to write about people others should know about, such as our moms and great grandfather. Others chose to write about aspects of school that should be changed, such having more homework; having less homework; being more productive in a warmer climate; and tables in the lunch room. This week, the focus has been on the physical look of our paragraphs, as well as including strong, personal examples in our speech. Third Graders...
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