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5th Grade Week of 2/11

Please enjoy our updates below, and have a wonderful break!


Another strong week in Humanities! We are continuing our study of Tuck Everlasting, including exploring the theme of immortality, as well as symbolism and figurative language. We wrapped up our Ancient India unit by debating whether the Gupta or Mauryan Empire was greater, and began our Egypt unit by exploring different kinds of maps. Have a great break!-Tony


In Chumash we are fully into Joseph’s time in Egypt. We are exploring how he is changing as a person because of his experiences. We discussed how we have had experiences in life that have also changed the way we act and think. We are now looking at all the dreams Joseph interprets in Egypt. We translated carefully the text while he was in jail. Students had goals in their new chevruta to practice kindness while reading aloud to each other. They did a great job kindly correcting each other and debating possible translations. We are now looking at the text where Pharaoh has his dreams. Students are looking for repeating words and roots and highlighting and underlining them. They are then chunking the text into sections using context clues skills instead of reading it work by word. At first their were some groans looking at a full page of unlabeled Hebrew. After a few days they are getting exciting about how organized they are making it and how much they are understanding without word for word translation. You children all write wonderful diary entries in first person as Joseph. They are on their google classroom. I recommend asking them to share it with you! Have a wonderful week off!-Laura
What a fun chapter on Algebra we just finished! The students did a great job identifying number patterns, and  simplifying and solving equations. We also had a great game of Jeopardy to review for our Chapter 5 Test, the students were so enthusiastic working together. When we get back from February break, we will begin Chapter 6, which focuses on finding Area. Have a great break, see you in a week!-Katie
5th reg:
This week we continued our unit about the human body and leisure time. To this we added a review of adjectives . The kids practiced using those adjectives by describing family members or classmates.
5th acc: We continued the unit of ” Biographies and places”. The goal of the unit is the strengthen the usage of past tense and expand narratives. We focused on Golda Meir as the first (and only) Israeli prime minister in Israel. In addition, we learn about Eliezer Ben Yehuda and his work as part of the revival of the Hebrew language.-Anat
להורים שלום,
השבוע המשכנו לעבוד על יחידת האישיים, כשהפעם התרכזנו בזמרים ישראלים. התלמידים למדו על עידן רייכל ושלמה ארצי, קראו טקסטים הנוגעים לחייהם ויצירותיהם, שמעו שירים נבחרים מהמוזיקה שלהם. בדומה ליחידה אודות פוליטיקאיים גם ביחידה נערוך השוואה בין הזמרים באמצעות מילות קישור והשוואה שלמדנו. בנוסף לזה הייתה לנו פעילות מהנה של השינשינים בנושא תיאטרון. כשנחזור מהחופשה נמשיך את היחידה, אך הפעם בנושא של אומנים והשפעתם על התרבות הבינלאומית וזו הישראלית.
מאחלת לכם חופשה מהנה,