(718) 858-8663

Weeks 22 and 23: Monday, February 4th – Friday, February 15th


Dear parents,

This week the students finished watching the Israeli movie “Apples in the Desert”. The movie deals with the complex topic of seculars and religious Jews in Israel.
The students practiced listening comprehension while listening to the movie, they practiced their speech skills while discussing the movie, and at the end, they completed written reflections in writing. The written reflections were due today and will be graded.
I wish you a relaxing and safe vacation,


להורים שלום,
השבוע עבדנו על תרגול זמן עתיד באמצעות הסיפור של יהודה אטלס, “שלוש משאלות”. המספר על זוג זקנים שאינם מרוצים מחייהם ובאמצעות פיה טובה הם מבקשים משאלות שאינן מתגשמות בשל חוסר שביעות רצון והערכה של הזקנים למה שקיבלו מהפיה. בנוסף לזה, השינשינים הגיעו אלינו לפעילות מהנה בנושא תיאטרון.
מאחלת לכם חופשה מהנה,

ELA: Students started the work in the bookclubs, reading a book of their choice about slavery. In parallel, we are looking about how oppression works, how it attempts to strip away the individual, familial, community identities of those who are oppressed, and what ways oppression can be resisted and identity reclaimed. When we come back from break, students will finish their books and take up the topic of whether we owe more to the ancestors of those who descend from slaves.

Social Studies: Students closely read the Declaration of Independence, translated excerpts of it into a more modern English vernacular, and distilled four principles of government that the document enumerates. Then, independently, students wrote an essay about how well the United States does at upholding these principals in the both historically and in the present. When we return from break, students will finish their work on the Revolutionary War and begin their study of the Constitution.

Have a wonderful break,



Today the 8th graders finished up a long-term assignment called “You Be the Teacher.” Students educated each other about topics such as the the Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, areas A, B and C in the West Bank, checkpoints, the Gaza Withdrawl, and the Gaza Conflict of 2014. Following presentations the “teachers” assessed student understanding with short quizzes. The 8th graders are now equipped with the knowledge to formulate, express and debate about important questions in Israel today- such as “Should Israel have settled the West Bank and what should be done about the settlements now?” Or “Do you believe in a one or two state solution?”

Judaic Studies

The 8th graders are deep in the stories of Shoftim. We explored the tale of Devora and Barak: what happens to male power when women gain power in society? Is this story about female empowerment? Male fears of strong women? Both? We used a literary perspective, noticing the way Yael leaves her tent and then kills Sisera with the tent pin: instead of staying in the home, as she is supposed to, she leaves it and then dismantles it in order to kill a powerful man. 8th graders also explored the story of Gidon, tracing the impact of his violent acts on his behavior and his family, and discussing the value of doubt and questioning God. We concluded the week by illustrating and eating scenes from Shoftim!




































It’s been a busy two weeks for the eighth grade with basketball games, high school admission results and, most importantly, mastering linear and quadratic functions. Nevertheless, a much needed break is finally here. Whether you’re traveling for the week or staying local, I wish you a wonderful and relaxing vacation. Make sure you bring your A game when we return and start working on Statistics!



Science has been wrapping up our culinary science exploration. Groups continue to work independently to master concepts and science terms related to cooking chemistry. While other groups worked on their final challenge to transform collaboratively flour and egg into fresh pasta. This required students to work together and quickly understand how the egg and flour interact when making the pasta dough. When we return from our break, we will start our exploration of physics. We will master this content and formulas using text, simulation software and hands on activities.