(718) 858-8663

Kindergarten General Studies

Happy 100th Day of School!  We celebrated by rotating through five activities including 100 Lego, 100 Cheerios necklaces,100 Things We Love About School, and some time in the gym.  A good time was had by all!
In Social Studies we read a book about having brothers and sisters.  Children shared what is both fun and challenging about being a sibling. We also read a book about a child who has two homes. Children also finished their Family Collages and added a  sentence about what they like to do with their families. You will see these hanging in the hallway when you return from break.
In Math we played a new version of Racing Bears in which you can split the number on the die into two parts if it helps you capture the pennies. For example, if you roll a six you can move one piece four spaces and the other piece two spaces.  In Writer’s Workshop children continued working on their information books and in Guided Reading we read two family related books: Grandparents are Great and Moms Do So Much. Both so true!
Today children are bringing home a bag of project work including their family drawing, their ten bracelet, penguin and snowmen puppets, and a clay piece from Art. Enjoy looking through these items with your children and learning more about what they did.
Parents sometimes ask how they can support their child’s learning over a break.  I would say read, read, read, count when you can, and allow lots of unstructured time for free play and rest!
Looking forward to seeing everyone when we return.
Wishing you a lovely break,
Dawn and Talia