(718) 858-8663

Third Grade 1/22

Community Building

As new pod groups we have been playing new games, reading stories, and getting to know each other better.  We even made fresh classroom rules to set the expectations for what we each need in order to be in a safe and joyful learning environment. We shared what the classroom should look like, feel like, and sound like, and how we can each support the class in having a positive learning experience. Students were super excited to get the chance to play with new kids during outdoor time or to get to learn in a new classroom environment.

Social Studies

This week we learned about Inauguration Day. Third graders were excited to see a part of history and to learn more about a day that celebrates the peaceful transfer of power. We were interested to learn that Kamala Harris wore purple in honor Shirley Chisholm, the first black female who ran for president, as we learned about Shirley Chisholm last week. Purple was the color Shirley Chisholm used in her campaign, and Kamala Harris was honoring her by wearing purple. Third graders watched the president take the oath and heard his speech. We listened where he quoted Abraham Lincoln, that he would put his soul into this position, and many of us shared that this can give many people a hopeful and positive feeling about the future.


Community Fridge

Information about a school wide social action initiative to make 100 donations to community fridges went out in school news this week. In class we discussed this intitative, the term food insecurity, and why there would be more of it during these times. We also read the book “Lulu and the Hunger Monster” about a child who is experiencing hunger, how she deals with it at school, and how her good friend is an ally to her in revealing this secret and seeking help. We looked at the map of community fridges in Brooklyn and students identified the closest ones to their homes. We hope this will excite them to make donations in the coming month.


Our Third Graders have been multiplying and memorizing the numbers 0-12 for a couple of weeks now. They have learned different strategies for figuring out those hard-to-remember facts like the pesky eights. Students even created their own multiplication charts! To deepen their understanding and create more connections about multiplication, our students have been studying how multiplication facts relate to each other. There are many different ways to see different numbers. Look at just a few ways that the number 12 can be broken up here and the different multiplicative connections that can be made (from Steve Wyborney’s Multiplication Course):

Learning multiplication through shapes likes these can help build a stronger mathematical foundation for multiplication and related division facts while building number sense. This week we started a new unit on multiplying numbers larger than 12. The students have begun learning about how arrays and the area model can be used to break down these larger numbers into more manageable pieces to solve. 

With this base of understanding they will soon not just know the efficient multi-digit multiplication algorithm we are all familiar with, but why it works. 


Third Graders have learned the G, C and F chords. In honor of MLK Day, they have been playing and singing/humming the song “We Shall Not Be Moved.” They have also begun reading music, starting with the open string notes of the ukulele: G, C, E and A. A quick reminder to help your child tune their ukulele before they bring it to school on Tuesdays. If you need any assistance with this, please email me, and we can set up a time for a tutorial.