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6th Grade First Weeks! 10/7/22


These past few weeks in ELA, we’ve read lots of fun and surprising stories about several of the Olympian Greek gods, including Zeus, Hera, Athena, and more. While reading, we are beginning to look more deeply into the text and practice drawing conclusions about characters based on textual evidence. In addition, we took a step back to consider how a culture’s particular mythology informs its values and belief systems, and how these stories answer “BIG questions” like: Where did we come from? Why are we here? What is our purpose on earth? For example, we learned about how origin myths — or stories about how the world was created — have helped humans around the world address and find meaningful answers to those very questions for generations. In pairs, we examined some of these origin myths from different cultures, including stories from the Chinese, Iroquois, Maya, Zulu, and Efik people. Then, students presented the myths they read through art, drama, or digital presentations. Throughout our discussion and exploration of this topic, we also recapped the Jewish interpretation of how the world began and made time to review the Big Bang Theory, too. Our retellings of creation stories from around the world provided students with new insight into diverse religions, mythologies, and belief systems. I encourage you to ask your child to share which origin story they read and where it’s from!

Shabbat shalom,



It has been a busy and engaging month! In Topic A, students started off the year being introduced to ratios. In the elementary grades, students learned to recognize number patterns, make equal groups, write multiplicative comparisons, and work with fractions. They are now applying these skills in 6th grade as they recognize part-to-part and part-to-whole relationships, write ratios, and explain the meaning of ratios. They are using precise ratio notation and ratio language to describe situations represented pictorially and verbally. As students work with real world scenarios, they are using a variety of tools to explore the addition and multiplication patterns that exist in all ratio relationships; This will lay a foundation for comparing ratio relationships in the next topic. After they develop fluency with representing ratio relationships in multiple ways, they will examine the patterns in these relationships in tables and graphs. Using repeated addition to create equivalent ratios from pairs of numbers in ratio tables and progressing to multiplicative relationships, students will create sets of equivalent ratios. Last, they will write equivalent ratios and use these ratios to solve problems. The 6th graders also completed their first mini math project, “Mission to Mars”, where they used ratio reasoning to convert measurement units as they researched, planned, and analyzed a mission to Mars. 


Judaic Studies: 

These past few weeks the 6th grade has been studying material around our intentions (kavanot) during the High Holidays. First we listened to the various sounds of the shofar and asked ourselves how those sounds can awaken different feelings in us to prepare us for the coming year. Then we studied Mishnayot from Mishna Rosh Hashana and Mishna Yoma. From those texts we learned how our intentions can have an impact on the fulfillment of mitzvot, and on our ability to do teshuvah (repentence or seeking forgiveness). We paired that with a study of the ritual of Tashlikh in which students considered what element of the past year they would like to cast off and we even took a short trip to the Gowanus to perform the ritual. The students wrote skits and drew comics illustrating their understanding of these texts, and performed or presented them to the class. Up next we will be shifting our focus to the holiday of sukkot – studying some Mishna and thinking about the kind of society the Rabbis were trying to establish.


My name is Landon and I am the new music teacher at Senesh. In these first few weeks, we’ve been exploring different fundamentals of music rhythms. Through variations on games like Tic Tac Toe and 4 Corners, students have learned how to identify and perform the basics of musical rhythm notes. These include quarter notes, half notes, eighth notes, and their respective rests. We will soon apply this when we learn about chord structures and playing rhythms on instruments.

During these few weeks of science, we started to explore the microscopic world. Students were introduced to the microscope and conducted a lab that helped them practice how to use the instrument. This was accomplished by using premade slides and rotating through 13 microscopes to discover 36 different microscopic objects. They also were exposed to simulation software to use virtual microscopes. These activities reinforced key concepts. They were then required to make their own slide in order to see how the single printed letter “e” looked under the microscope. In the coming weeks, we will discover onion cells and cheek cells, and compare the differences between these animal and plant cells. We will be continuing this exploration of the microscopic universe with the excitement of discovery. 

Mike Noll


In Hebrew, the 6th graders learn about there immediate environment and how to describe it. We learn to recognize infinitives and verbs in the right manner. We use אפשר and אי אפשר, and מותר and אסור to help us create richer and more complete sentences.  The students learn new vocabulary that lets them expand their thoughts. Using many of these help the students write and converse short paragraphs and short conversations


Hebrew Heritage: 

להורים שלום,
בשבועיים האחרונים התלמידים למדו להשתמש במילות שאלה באופנים שונים. לכבוד ראש השנה למדנו את השיר “שהשמש תעבור עלי” של יהורם טהרלב וכל אחד מהתלמידים חשב על פרשנות משלו לשיר,כמו כן כתב בית נוסף לשיר שזכה להצלחה מרובה. אני שמחה שכל תלמיד בחר ספר ל”מועדון הספר”, שהוא/ היא נהנה לקרוא אותו ולהציג בכיתה. התלמידים דיווחו שכל יום הם קוראים 10 דקות בעברית, כך שזה דבר נוסף משמח.
מאחלת לכם חג סוכות שמח,

General 6th grade: 

The 6th graders had a great time getting to know our second grade buddies today with some ice breakers and Sukkot-related activities. For some pairs of buddies, this was a reunion since last year, and other buddy pairs were meeting for the first time. In the photos for this week’s blog you will see some photos with our buddies! Ask your 6th grader about their 2nd grade buddy and what they chatted about.