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October 6, 2022

October 7: The First Month of School

Humanities In reading we have begun our first class novel, Wonder. During the beginning of the book we are focusing on tracking character development and using the text as evidence for our ideas. The students have written and revised paragraphs sharing their first impressions of the characters in the novel. We use ‘thought prompts’ such as “For example…,” “This happens when…,” “The author says…,” and “This makes me think…” to incorporate examples from the book into our writing. In social studies, we just finished our unit on mapping skills with a quiz and are well on our way into learning about early...
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6th Grade First Weeks! 10/7/22

Humanities: These past few weeks in ELA, we’ve read lots of fun and surprising stories about several of the Olympian Greek gods, including Zeus, Hera, Athena, and more. While reading, we are beginning to look more deeply into the text and practice drawing conclusions about characters based on textual evidence. In addition, we took a step back to consider how a culture’s particular mythology informs its values and belief systems, and how these stories answer “BIG questions” like: Where did we come from? Why are we here? What is our purpose on earth? For example, we learned about how origin...
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October 7, 2022

HUMANITIES In Humanities, 7th graders are finishing their work around The Outsiders and a mini-geography unit in Social Studies. They are in the process of writing the final drafts of letters of advice to specific characters from the book, in which they are either giving or seeking advice, while using text-based evidence. If only the teenagers from the book could have received these letters earlier! Next, we will read select Sherlock Holmes stories in English Language Arts and begin focusing on Early America, before and after 1492, in Social Studies. Ask your children about their letters of advice; they might...
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