(718) 858-8663

October 7, 2022


In Humanities, 7th graders are finishing their work around The Outsiders and a mini-geography unit in Social Studies. They are in the process of writing the final drafts of letters of advice to specific characters from the book, in which they are either giving or seeking advice, while using text-based evidence. If only the teenagers from the book could have received these letters earlier! Next, we will read select Sherlock Holmes stories in English Language Arts and begin focusing on Early America, before and after 1492, in Social Studies. Ask your children about their letters of advice; they might have something useful to share!




The 7th grade has been hard at work studying the first module of their textbook: Ratios and Proportionality. They’ve learned how to find a unit rate, to interpret unit rates in specific contexts, and what makes a relationship proportional in tables and graphs. In the coming weeks, we will delve deeper into the topic by analyzing equations, comparing proportional relationships, applying proportional reasoning, exploring word problems using rates, and more. Ask the 7th grade about the ways you can tell a relationship between quantities is proportional!




We started science this last month with excitement and enjoyment under the new course theme. Within an environmental science theme, we will be focusing on the engineering process in order to create inventions to solve environmental problems. We started science by exploring simple machines and applying that knowledge by using levers and pulleys. Students needed to use a ruler and balance different amounts of pennies. Then students needed to create 4 different pulley systems and discover how the system reduced the amount of effort to lift a large weight. This allowed students to directly understand the concept of mechanical advantage. The energy level, focus, determination, and enjoyment within this first month of school has been amazing. We cannot wait to continue with the introduction to engineering as we prepare for our coming STEAM project.




It’s been a whirlwind of holidays in Judaic Studies! The 7th graders have been studying Mishna about Yom Kippur and reflecting on what kind of experience the rabbis were trying to create for us. Using texts from Mishna and Talmud we explored the question of who decides if it’s safe for a sick person to fast – the person themselves or a doctor? What if the sick person thinks it’s safe but the doctor isn’t sure? Ask your 7th grader for the Talmud’s answer! We also examined the Mishna and the Rambam (Maimonides) on Teshuva (returning to your best self/saying sorry to those you’ve hurt). We learned from the Mishna that you can’t plan in advance to do something bad and then repent for it on Yom Kippur: no gaming the system! We learned from the Rambam that the only way to know for sure that you’ve truly done Teshuva is to be presented with the opportunity to repeat your sin and to resist. Students created skits and appeared on our “Teshuva Time Advice Show” to demonstrate their understanding of the texts we studied.

Wishing everyone a joyous Sukkot!




In Hebrew, the 7th graders are immersed in polishing their grammar. We learn to recognize infinitives and verbs in the right manner. We use אפשר and אי אפשר, and מותר and אסור to help us create richer and more complete sentences.  The students learn new vocabulary that lets them expand their thoughts. Students learn to elaborate their thoughts and turn them into short paragraphs. 




התלמידים עורכים חזרה על תחביר ודקדוק, מתרגלים ושואלים שאלות מאתגרות. בעיקר השקענו עבודה בהטיית זמן עתיד באמצעות שירים, טקסטים ומשפטים. 

מאחלת לכולכם חג סוכות שמח.
