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First Grade News

Hello Families,

This week first graders were excited to meet Shoshana Nambi , the author of the book “The Very Best Sukkah – A Story From Uganda” visited our classroom. She enthusiastically shared about her book and we had a chance to ask her questions!

In Hebrew, we learned the letter kuf and added new words to our word wall like: kasdah (helmet), kipod (porcupine), kobiyah(cube) and keshet (rainbow). We also wrote our first sentences in Hebrew using the action words kana (to buy for a boy) and kanta (to buy for a girl).

In parasha (the weekly torah portion), we read about the story of bereshit (the creation of the world), focusing on what has been created on each day of the week.

First graders continued putting many skills together that they learned in reading, phonics, and writing workshop. We practiced using our word walls to help create sentences and spell our snap words correctly when writing. We also worked with partners to stretch out long words and hear new sounds. Partners worked together to help each other add sounds and words to their writing as they practiced adding more sentences to their pieces!

Check out our pictures!

Shabbat Shalom,

Liz and Ilana