(718) 858-8663

Kindergarten Hebrew Studies

Dear Kindergarten parents הורים יקרים,

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the parent-teacher conference Thursday. We look forward to seeing the rest of you Monday.

During the past two weeks in the Hebrew and Jewish Studies room we focused on classroom vocabulary and the Story of Creation. We are learning and reviewing our classroom vocabulary using the melody of Eser Ezbaot Lee Yesh (I have ten fingers), partner and group work. The children enjoyed drawing on dry erase boards and “drawing” on a friends back and asking Ma Ze? With our Shinshinim Eran and Ofir we begun the song “Ruach Ruach: (wind, wind) and created a classroom tree.

In Jewish studies we learned about Hannah Senesh and the song Eli, Eli and learned about the first three days of creation when God created the light and the darkness, the water and the sky as well as the earth and plants. In this context, we enjoyed three science experiments: a water and oil bottle for darkness and light, a water and air experiment for water and air and a paper flower that opens for the creation of the plants. We also mentioned the beginning of the month of Kislev with a fun snack at Kabalat Shabbat.

Shabbat Shalom,


Hebrew Vocabulary

Ezbaot – fingers
Devek – glue
Mieesparayeem – scissors
Keese – chair
Shulhan – table
Tusheem – markers
Efronot – pencils
Zvaeem – crayons
Reeshon – first
Aharon – last

Story of Creation Vocabulary

Tohu Vavoho – Mess
Or – light
Hosheh – darkness
Mayeem – water
Shamaeem – sky
Adama – earth
Perah – flower