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First Grade News: Week of March 12th

Thank you to everyone who brought in books for Malawi! This week we learned more about Malawi and saw pictures of the library that our books will be donated to. We wrote a letter to the children who will receive our books.


Our classroom neighborhood is almost complete! This week first graders painted their structures, decided where they should go in the neighborhood, and added details such as stop signs and trains. We still need to name our neighborhood and make people to live in it!


We read another finalist for the Irma Black Book Awards this week: “7 ate 9.” First graders thought it was funny and loved all of the word play.


First grade mathematician continue to work on subtraction with regrouping. We learned a new math game called “race to zero.” They also practiced solving problems with three addends by making groups of ten.


In Writing Workshop we continue our realistic fiction stories. This week first graders each chose a writing goal to focus on. Some goals included writing a satisfying ending, and adding more details through dialogue, action, and feelings.  


In the Hebrew classroom this week, we have learned so much about our families. First graders continue working on their family project and we all shared about our families. We also started to learn about Pesach(Passover)! We reviewed the story of Pesach. We spoke about the different symbols of the holiday, including the hagadah, the seder plate (kearat seder), and matzah. We are going to continue to learn more about Pesach throughout next week.


In Parasha, we read about Parashat Vayikra and learned about the sacrifices and traditions that took place in the mishkan. We compared these traditions to modern day practices and discussed some different ways that we can thank god.


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