(718) 858-8663

First Grade News

Hello Families,

In Hebrew, we learned the letters tet and zain and now we know all the letters of the Hebrew aleph-bet! Our first graders are Hebrew experts! This is a very exciting accomplishment, and we are looking forward to celebrating as a class community next week.

In Yahadut, we continued working on our siddurim and learned two new prayers from the amida. The first one is called, melech ohev tzedakah umishpat. We spoke about the rules that we have in our classroom and in America and how they help us stay safe and be better people. The second one is called, shover oyvim umachniyah zedim. In this prayer we thank God for protecting us from danger. We spoke about who are the people in our lives that protect us every day. We have learned so many of the prayers from the amidah and we are looking forward to learning the rest!

In Parasha, we read the story of Parashat Yitro where the Israelites go to Mount Sinai and receive the Ten Commandments. We discussed the significance of each commandment.

In Writing, we have studied what authors add to nonfiction book pictures to teach their readers.  We practiced adding arrows, labels, and zoom-ins to our pictures to give more information.  We also are being brave spellers when we add fancy words to our books. We break down long words into parts (syllables), stretch out each part, and make sure we add a vowel to each syllable.

In Reading, we are exploring nonfiction books and discussing the attributes that make them different from fiction.  We are also revisiting vowels and remembering to try vowels out both ways when we sound out new or challenging words.

Shabbat Shalom,

The First Grade Team