(718) 858-8663

First Grade News

Dear Families,

On Monday, we celebrated Simchat Torah with our fifth-grade buddies! We built sukkot out of snacks, danced with the Torah, and got to know our buddies on the roof. Check out pictures from the event below!

In General Studies, we are continuing to work on our Hopes and Dreams, and practice classroom routines. We have begun our Handwriting unit, especially focusing on pencil grip and posture, and numbers 1-5. Reminder: Please return writing workshop folders on Monday!

In Hebrew this week, we learned our first vowel, which makes the “Ah” sound and what sound the letter tav makes when you add this vowel. We reviewed some words that started with the letter tav like, tapuz (orange), tapuach (apple), tarnegolet (chicken) and tof (drum) and started to add words to our word wall.

In Tefila, we spoke about the meaning of Tefila (praying). We decorated our Siddurim (prayers book) covers and made the first page of our Siddur, which is about the prayer modeh ani. Each student shared about what he\she is thankful for. Everyone did a beautiful job!

In parasha (the weekly torah portion), we learned about the story of bereshit (creation), focusing on what God created on each day of the week.  We did a special project where we each made our own books about B’riat Ha’olam (the creation of the world) – it was so exciting!

Shabbat Shalom,

Liz, Talia, Ilana, and Noa