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10/1 Kindergarten Blog

Dear Kindergarten Families,


It’s getting chilly! The children had so much fun during our Simchat Torah celebrations on Monday, began learning about Fall in Hebrew, and conducted an exciting experiment in Science called “Sink or Float”. In our Morning Meetings, we sang songs that we know by heart at this point, and began to learn a new one called “You Gotta Sing”, replacing “sing” with our own verbs to move our bodies and make the song our own.


On Monday, we had almost a full day of Simchat Torah events. The children constructed their own sukkot out of rice krispy treats, pretzels, chocolate, and icing as glue that they got to enjoy during snack. Then, we had our very first buddy activity with our fourth grade buddies on the roof! We talked about our similarities and differences, and the kindergarteners taught the fourth graders the words and motions to “Deep and Wide”. After our buddy activity, we headed down to the yard for singing and dancing led by the eighth graders. It was so much fun!


In Hebrew, we learned two new colors, katom (orange) and chum (brown). We also started learning a Hebrew Days of the Week song. We also started learning about the weather and the Fall season, learning weather words like sheleg (snow), geshem (rain), and shemesh (sun). In Judaic Studies, we added Matovu to our morning tefilah.


In Phonics, we continued our study of classroom names, studying “Sonia” this week along with the letter S.


In Science, we experimented with what objects sink or float in water, making hypotheses before the experiment, and recording our observations after.


In Handwriting, we continued with our frog-jump letters, learning all about the letter “P”.


As always, we concluded our week with Kabbalat Shabbat.


Shabbat Shalom,


Anat, Dawn, and Atalya