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First Grade News

We read It’s Okay to be Different by Todd Parr and discussed all the different things that make us special. On Kesher Day, we created puzzles about ourselves; each piece represented something that makes us unique.

In Writing, first graders published their poems and decorated them to display at our Siddur Ceremony. We also started writing “Who Am I?” poems.

We continued reading Charlotte’s Web and learned about how spiders spin their webs.

In Math, we began to learn about money. This week we learned the value of coins, and practiced counting money. When counting  a group of coins, we learned to start with the biggest ones first. We learned the value of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters and even listened to special songs to practice these skills.

In Social Studies, first graders learned more about taking care of our earth. They learned about which materials we recycle and which recycling bin to use. To practice these skills, we had a recycling relay where first graders recycled trash in the appropriate bins.

In Science, first graders observed the guppies in our aquariums and pill bugs in our terrariums. They closely observed how they moved and learned more about their habitats. They even held the pill bugs and watched them roll into a ball.


We celebrated how much we have learned this year with the Siddur Ceremony! It was such a special event! We were so proud of all the first graders and what an amazing job they did!

In Hebrew, we started learning about the shuk, the Israeli market and how to say fruits and vegetables in Hebrew. We also watched videos of different kinds of shuk in Israel. The first graders were amazed by all the different kinds of fruits and vegetables you can find in one place! The students wrote what they can find in the shuk using the plural form of fruits and vegetables. We also learned about different types of chanuyot (stores).The Students wrote what we can find in each store using all the vocabulary that we have learned during the year. They were so impressed with how many Hebrew words they knew!

In Yahadut, we spoke about Lag Ba’Omer. We learned that many years ago the Jewish people used bonfires to communicate with each other. The first graders loved roasting marshmallows over a “bonfire”, just how some people in Israel celebrate Lag Ba’Omer today!! We also had so much fun celebrating Lag Ba’Omer in school. We explored how every Hebrew letter equal to a number. Lag Ba’Omer equal to the number 33, that’s why we are celebrating it on the 33 day of the omer. Students also added up the letters in their Hebrew name. They found out that just because they had a lot of letters didn’t mean they got a large number!