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Celebrating Purim

Celebrating Purim

This week has been filled with so much Purim learning and celebrations!

Yadut: Making Class Megillah

In Yahadut class we read the Purim story in Hebrew. After, each student picked one scene to explore more deeply. They did five things with the scene: Gave it a title, copied the words from the megillah that describe it highlighting key words, recorded the source, illustrated it, and composed speech or thought bubbles for the characters in the scene in Hebrew. We compiled all the scenes together to create a class megillah, and on Purim we had a class telling of the megillah where each child presented their work in front of the class. Our beautiful megillah is on display in the hallway.

Ask your child which scene they drew and what speech/thought bubbles they composed.

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School Carnival

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Buddy Time: Acting out Scenes from the Megillah with our Buddies and Random Objects

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Drum Tales: Telling the Purim Story with a Drum Circle

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In science we wrapped up our unit on Changes. The students worked with their science partner to answer Kahoot questions relating to the experiments, observations, and discussions from the past months. They really enjoyed the game and all demonstrated how much they had learned. Next unit until the end of the year will be Soil. So get ready for dirt, compost, worms and the like. Just in time for spring!