(718) 858-8663

Week 25: Monday, March 5th – Friday, March 9th


Dear parents,

This week in advisory we practiced relaxing and re-setting through mindful coloring, mindful journaling, Yoga, and dance.


Dear parents,

This week we finished the unit on the future tense. We practiced leading conversations in the future, wrote short paragraphs and read short texts. We also learned a new song. On Friday, we took a culminating test on the Future tense.

I wish everyone a restful weekend,


Judaic Studies

We completed our exploration of Jewish sources and their perspectives on drinking alcohol. On the one hand, we looked at the Maharal, a 16th century commentator from Prague, who says drinking leads to humiliation, and since it harms your intellect, it distances you from God. On the other, in Proverbs it says that “wine makes happy the heart of man” and “when wine enters, secrets come out.” Rav Kook goes so far as to say that wine helps you understand the secret of who you truly are — it offers a type of revelation. Students had thoughtful and engaging conversations about these sources.

As the 8th graders’ thoughts turn to high school, this could be a wonderful topic for you to discuss with them at home. I think they are interested and in some cases worried about what they will encounter once they leave the Senesh bubble, and they would welcome a chance to talk with you.

Shabbat shalom!
