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The last blog for 2021

Welcome to the last blog for 2021! We hope everyone has an amazing break and we look forward to seeing you in 2022!

In SEL, social emotional learning, the students have been learning many skills. Through the past few weeks they focused on a few specific lessons. The first was how to have a constructive conversation about how to agree and respectfully disagree with one another. The students brainstormed wonderful ways where they can validate hearing others and then responding to them with kind language. Some prompts that came up were:

I agree because _______
I disagree because _______

Ask questions and say more!
I heard you say _______
Tell me more about ________
I wonder ______
Thank you for sharing _________

These are great tools to use at home, especially at the dinner table!

The students also spent time learning about how to complement and give positive feedback to one another. In another activity, they each wrote their name on a paper and then, one by one wrote kind adjectives about their classmates. Everyone had their own page with compliments and took the time to read them. Last we discussed how it makes a person feel when being on the receiving and giving ends!


STEAM with Sammi

On Fridays in STEAM class, the second graders have been extending their social studies work on landforms. For three classes, students used BeeBots to follow cardinal directions. Solving puzzles with BeeBots can be super challenging and frustrating but the 2nd graders really worked hard and kept calm. For the past two classes, students have been using the ipads and a green screen to record videos describing the landform they made in art with Iviva. After the break, students will put these videos together using an app called “Do Ink”. We look forward to sharing these with you when we are done!

Take a look at photos from our classes this year:

In Hebrew we continued wrote sentences in script this week the children wrote about the winter ( choref) and we learned what’s the difference between singular verb and plural verb. For example in the sentence “We are eating” the verb “eating” in Hebrew is different for plural male and plural female (ochlim/ ochlot).

In Judaic Studies we continued with Chumash and Bereshit ( Genesis) chapter, exploring the different between the six days of the creation and the seventh day, Shabbat. We continued learning new Tefillot (prayers) and their meanings.