(718) 858-8663

September 28 – Chag Sukkot Sameach!

Dear Fourth Grade Families,

What an incredible three-day week! Sukkah sleepover, Simchat Torah, and buddy activities all rolled into such a short period of time, and the fourth graders truly made the most of it. Last week, students received the names of their new Kindergarten buddies, and on Wednesday they finally got to meet them (and read to them). They showed great maturity and eagerness to share as they took on these leadership roles.

Please enjoy today’s blog and pictures from buddy activities and the Sukkah sleepover!

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Super Cool Parade Fun at the Sleepover:

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-The Fourth Grade Team

Coming Soon:

  • Monday, October 1 – Tuesday, October 2 – Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah – NO SCHOOL
  • Wednesday, October 17 – Picture Day


General Studies with Helena:

Even though we had two short weeks the fourth graders were able to get lots of learning done! In math, we began partner work. Each pair had to work together to solve math challenges and play math games.  The games focused on finding the pattern and sorting numbers from least to greatest. Pairs had to collaborate to explain to the whole group their mathematical thinking which included how to regroup when working with addition.

In reading, fourth graders have been exploring how they get in the flow of reading. Students have built up their reading stamina and are able to think about what they are reading. They ask complex questions
that they hope to answer as they continue to read their books.  The class continues to make predictions and build connections to their own life.  In writing, the lessons have been targeting character development. They went in depth about the differences between internal and external character traits.  They looked at themselves as an example and are applying it to he characters they are creating in their realistic fiction stories. These pictures are from the math partner work.

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Judaic Studies with Aliza and Margaret:

Fourth graders learned a great deal in preparation for Sukkot and their parent breakfast lesson this morning. In addition to reviewing the symbolism and significance of the 3 Regalim (literally “legs”, the three main holidays of the Jewish calendar – Pesach, Shavuot, and Sukkot), students learned the laws and traditions behind Sukkot. They designed their own Halachically ‘Kosher’ Sukkot, imagining building them from locally sourced materials in locations ranging from Yankee Stadium to a cave in the Congo.

They also learned the meaning, tunes, and words of Hallel, the special celebratory prayer reserved for the happiest times of the year. They did a beautiful job leading us in Hallel in the school Sukkah this morning! Finally, fourth graders learned about King Solomon and the book of Kohelet, which is read on Shabbat Chol HaMoed Sukkot. They learned about how seemingly negative-sounding lessons and wisdom can be secretly positive, and why this apparently depressing book is read on the happiest holiday of the year.

Chag Sameach!


Hebrew with Ilana S:

This 2 weeks the fourth grade worked and  review verbs in singular and plural and change sentences from singular to plural. They also finished working on the song “Bashanah Habah”.  In their enrichment class the students worked on story for the holidays “Slicha” (“Sorry”). We worked on their listening skills, practiced reading and worked with partners on comprehension of the story and new vocabulary. In addition, we practice yoga in Hebrew.

Chag Sameach