(718) 858-8663

Back to School Parent Handbook 2021-2022

Back to School Parent Handbook 2021-2022 

As we look forward to the start of school, we are excited to welcome all Senesh students into the building full time. Once again we are in a strong place to open school in a way that we can keep everyone safe and continue to offer a meaningful and rich program that reflects our mission, vision, and values. View the handbook below or print the 2021-22 Parent Handbook.

Vision, Mission, and Values

As we adapt to new ways of operating during a pandemic, we hold steadfast to our school’s values, vision, and mission including a commitment to equity in our community.

Our Vision:

We envision a world shaped by Senesh alumni who lead with a strong sense of self, a connection to community, and a commitment to doing good in the world. 

Our Mission:

Rooted in Jewish values and wisdom, we foster a love of learning guided by intellectual curiosity and social responsibility in a vibrant and inclusive K-8 independent school community. 

Our Values: 

Our values, which are deeply rooted in Jewish teachings, guide us in all that we do at Senesh.

Kindness – Chesed – חסד
We treat each other with respect and act with compassion and empathy.

Openness – Elu v’Elu – אלו ואלו
We seek to understand and welcome diverse ideas and perspectives.

Belonging – Shayachut – שייכות
We create a culture that honors the dignity and self worth of each person.

Responsibility – Areivut – ערבות
We support the well-being of others in our community and the world around us.

Perseverance – Hatmadah – התמדה
We approach learning as a continuous journey and persist through challenges.


Decision-Making During COVID

  • The health and safety of our community
  • Guidance from health professionals, state and local mandates, and educational leaders
  • Our school’s core values—responsibility to others, openness to varied perspectives, and perseverance
  • Understanding the way the crisis affects members of the school community differently and ensuring equity
  • Building an engaging and meaningful academic program 
  • Reflections and feedback from parents, staff, and students via surveys and meetings
  • Learnings from the 2020-21 school year by parents, students, and faculty

COVID-19 Task Group

  • Director: Head of School Nicole Nash
  • COVID-19 Safety Coordinator: Director of Operations Nathalie Cabot
  • Judy Schoenberg, Board Chair
  • JJ Berney, Trustee
  • Ariella Golomb, Trustee
  • Marcella Kanfer Rolnick, Trustee
  • Dr. Eitan Dickman, MD
  • Dr. Lawrence Wolf, MD
  • Dr. Michele Fagan, MD

    COVID Senesh Community Guidelines

    Kol Yisrael arevim zeh bazeh,
    the entire community is responsible for one another.

    Indeed, each of our individual actions can have a direct impact on our larger Senesh community. By leading with empathy, and in the spirit of moving from “me” to “we”, we ask for every member of our community to commit to the health, safety, and success of the 2021-22 school year by following a set of updated community guidelines.

    We know that every household has adopted various behaviors in response to the threat of COVID-19. Our goal is to keep our community safe and our children in school. We hope these guidelines offer us a singular roadmap to follow so that all of us—parents, students, and staff—feel as safe and comfortable as possible and mitigate the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in our community. We are grateful knowing that each family and staff member will hold themselves accountable and ensure the overall well-being of our community.

    In addition to guidance from the CDC; NYS Department of Health; and NY State Education Department; and medical, health, and educational professionals, we have a COVID-19 Task Group including school leaders and medical and health professionals who advise on important decisions related to the pandemic.


    • The COVID-19 vaccine is required for all students 12 years and over and all staff.
    • If a child turns 12 during the school year, they will have a one-month grace period after their 12th birthday to get their first shot.
    • Proof of vaccination should be sent to the office at office2@hannahsenesh.org.


    • All students must provide a negative PCR COVID test before the first day of school.
    • We will do routine testing in the school similar to what was done last year. Details of this will be forthcoming. Should you choose to test elsewhere, results must be emailed to office2@hannahsenesh.org.

    Masking and PPE Requirements


      • Masks must be worn by all students and staff at all times indoors; regardless of vaccination status.
      • Parents will be asked to ensure that children arrive at school wearing masks and students will wear masks throughout the day except when eating and mask breaks between classes.
      • Faculty and staff are required to wear masks in public areas of school, while teaching in classrooms, and in meetings with other faculty. 


          • Unvaccinated students are required to wear masks outdoors; unless eating. Students and staff must wear masks that are at a minimum 2-ply.
          • If a group of all vaccinated students, staff, or parents are outdoors, mask wearing is not required. 
          • If a group is a mix of vaccinated and unvaccinated people then all in the group need to mask.
          • Parents are required to wear masks during arrival and dismissal.
          • We ask that everyone cover their mouth and nose with a mask in public settings and when around people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures are difficult to maintain.

        Type and Fit of Mask

          • The fit of the mask is critical. Individuals should make sure the mask fits snugly to cover the nose bridge, mouth, and chin.
          • Each family is asked to purchase or make eight cloth face masks (one for each day of the school week and three extras to be left in school) per child.
          • Face masks should be labeled in permanent marker with the child’s name or initials so it is clear to whom the mask belongs. 
          • Cloth face masks should be washed, disinfected, or replaced after each day’s use and must not be shared. 

        Mask Training

        Students and staff will be trained in the proper usage of face coverings. CDC guidelines provide general considerations for wearing and maintaining a face covering, including the following:

          • The mouth and nose are fully covered
          • The wearer does not have any difficulty breathing while wearing the covering
          • How to safely discard a mask
          • Individuals should wash their hands before putting on or removing a mask, only touch the mask by its straps, avoid touching the mask while it is being worn, and change masks if it becomes wet 
          • Individuals should make sure the mask fits snugly to cover the nose bridge, mouth, and chin
          • Children will be taught that if they are going to cough or sneeze (which is going to happen), the mask should stay on

        Additional PPE

          • PPE, such as gloves, gowns, goggles, polycarbonate guards, and face shields will be available and used by staff as needed
          • We have increased hand sanitizing stations and will provide hand sanitizing supplies at school entrances, classrooms, and offices


        • Schedule visits to health care providers to make sure their children stay up-to-date on wellness, including visits that pertain to routine and mandatory vaccines including for COVID (if they are eligible) and the flu.
        • Model a positive attitude with your children. Their emotional well-being is ours to protect and we know that children are greatly influenced by their family’s behaviors and attitudes

        Personal Hygiene Protocols

        • Handwashing: Students and staff will be instructed to wash or sanitize their hands upon entry to the building or their classrooms. Students will be trained in handwashing protocols. Everyone will be instructed to frequently wash their hands throughout the day; lather for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, but especially when entering the school buildings and classrooms, before and after mealtimes, and after using the restroom.
        • Hand sanitizer: Students will be instructed to use alcohol-based hand sanitizers (60% alcohol or greater) when soap and water are not available, and hands are not visibly dirty. Hand sanitizer is available throughout common areas. It is placed in convenient locations, such as at the building entrances, classrooms, and offices. If students or staff are unable to use alcohol-based hand sanitizers for health reasons, they will be permitted to wash their hands with soap and water at any time.
        • Hand Hygiene breaks: will be incorporated into the daily schedules of each class to ensure frequent hand hygiene takes place.  
        • Sanitization: Staff and students will be instructed in proper use of the sanitizing equipment, including wiping down personal space and supplies frequently, and especially after another individual comes in contact with any personal items or furniture.
        • Respiratory etiquette: Students and staff will be trained to cover their mouth and nose with their sleeve or a tissue when coughing or sneezing and avoid touching their face, in particular their mouth, nose, and eyes, with their hands. They will be trained to properly dispose of tissues in provided no-touch trash receptacles and to wash or sanitize their hands immediately afterward. Respiratory etiquette signage will be displayed throughout the school. 
        • Symptom Checking: Staff will be trained to observe for signs of illness in students and staff. Anyone with signs of illness will be sent to the school nurse for further assessment. 

        Activities Outside of School

        Vaccinated Students 

          • Can participate in athletics and afterschool programs outside of Senesh if masked and distanced. 
          • Can have indoor visits with other vaccinated classmates and friends masked. If outdoors, masks are not required.

        Unvaccinated Students

          • Outdoor playdates, birthday parties, after school programs, and other social gatherings are encouraged.
          • Masks should be worn for all gatherings indoors and outdoors. If indoors, distancing is encouraged whenever possible.

        Families Gathering with Other Families  

          • Outdoor gatherings are encouraged.
          • Masks should be worn indoors. 

        Monitoring Health

          • Keep children home from school if they have any symptoms of illness.


          • We expect to have use of the NYC school buses for transportation and will be in touch with families as specific information about bus routes and stops becomes available. All students should wear masks on the bus.
          • If carpooling, everyone should wear masks, ride with windows open, and leave space between passengers. 
          • If using public transportation, all students and parents should wear a mask, wash hands/use hand sanitizer after exiting, and leave space between people to allow for physical distancing. 


          Cleaning and Disinfection Prior to School Opening

          The summer months have been spent preparing the facility to reopen in a safe manner while following NYS Department of Health guidelines regarding hygiene, cleaning, and disinfection. 

          • The school hired a company to do a full cleaning and disinfection before school opens.
          • Improvements were made to the school ventilation system including power washing, installing higher grade filters and high performance belts, and increasing outside air intake. New, smaller Aura air purifiers have been installed in windowless classrooms.
          • The school has purchased cleaning and disinfecting agents to last for a minimum of three months.
          • All cleaning supplies are secured in a locked room away from all students.
          • We will continue to use paper towels instead of hand dryers that blow air.
          • We will continue to have polycarbonate dividers in the main office.
          • Water fountains are covered and will not be used.

          Ongoing Cleaning and Disinfecting

          • The school maintenance staff disinfect high traffic areas and surfaces throughout the day including: bathrooms, railings, stairwells, door handles, bathrooms, the elevator, the healthcare room, and other high touch surfaces. 
          • A nightly maintenance staff cleans and disinfects classrooms, hallways, offices, desks, chairs, toys, door handles, floors, and bathrooms.
          • Disposable sanitizing wipes and spray are used in the classrooms for commonly used surfaces that can be wiped down before/after use.
          • On a weekly basis the maintenance team cleans walls in hallways, dusts high areas, and buffs floors.
          • As needed, additional cleaning and sanitizing will take place over the weekend.
          • On a monthly basis the maintenance team cleans all windows and the HVAC company inspects the filters and changes as needed.


          In order to increase ventilation all doors and windows will be open in the school. Improvements have been made to the school ventilation system including:

          • Power washing
          • Installing higher grade filters and high performance belts
          • Increasing outside air intake
          • Aura air purifiers have been installed in windowless classrooms.
          • All of our classroom doors are fire rated and are not able to remain open due to fire code. All our classrooms will either have windows that will be open or will have air purifiers.


          Signage will be posted throughout the school, in highly visible areas, to remind individuals to:

          • Stay home if they feel sick. 
          • Cover their nose and mouth with an acceptable face covering when unable to maintain social distance from others or in accordance with any stricter policy implemented by the school. 
          • Properly store and, when necessary, discard PPE. 
          • Adhere to social distancing instructions. 
          • Report symptoms of, or exposure to, COVID-19, and how they should do so. 
          • Follow hand hygiene, and cleaning and disinfection guidelines. 
          • Follow respiratory hygiene and cough etiquette.

          Signage will also be used to establish traffic flow throughout the building in order to maintain proper distancing. Hallways will be divided into one way lanes in order to limit interactions. Floor signage will be utilized in commonly used areas in order to establish three foot distancing.


          Remote Learning

          • Senesh will not offer a remote option for learning. Remote learning will only be offered when a child is out due to a COVID quarantine. Details of what that entails will be shared by the educational leadership once the year has begun.

          Distancing Measures, Student Groupings and Movement Within the Building

          • All desks in classrooms will be spaced three feet apart.
          • We expect K-4th grade classes to be in two sections (not three pods), and middle school students to be in a variety of subject specific groupings as in past years. 
          • Students will move classrooms for different subjects. 
          • We are looking forward to using our gym, art room, beit midrash, science lab, and music space for their intended purposes. 
          • The hallways and stairwells will be clearly marked to help manage the direction and flow of traffic, with a limited number of students outside the classroom at any one time.  

          Additional School Bus Guidelines

          • We expect to have use of the NYC school buses for transportation and will be in touch with families as specific information about bus routes and stops becomes available. All students should wear masks on the bus.
          • Bus service is provided by New York City. Routes are created by the Department of Transportation based on student addresses and their distance to the school. The school is not able to make changes to the bus routes. 
          • At times the bus may be delayed due to weather or traffic. In the case of a delay, a message will be sent via text message.
          • All students who use either bus are expected to act courteously and follow guidelines related to masks and social distancing. The driver is the authority, and students must abide by the stated rules. Fighting, horseplay, and verbal abuse are not allowed. At the discretion of the school, students may be suspended from school bus service.  Everyone’s cooperation is needed to make school transportation safe and pleasurable.
          • Without a note of a change in plans, children who take the bus will be put on their regular bus. This procedure is important for the safety of our students. Any changes regarding the bus must be emailed by a parent to the teacher no later than 1:00pm.

          School Hours, Arrival, and Dismissal

          • School hours will be staggered to minimize contact and ensure physical distancing measures for the health and safety of our community.
          • Drop off for lower school will be in the school yard and drop off for middle school will be through the main entrance.
          • Afterschool is available for those who register on Monday through Thursday from 3:30-5:00pm  and on Friday from dismissal until 4:00pm

          School Hours for 2021-22

            • Lower School Early Drop Off – 8:00-8:15am 
            • Kindergarten and First Grade – 8:25am-3:30pm
            • Second and Third Grade – 8:20am-3:25pm
            • Fourth Grade – 8:15am-3:30pm
            • Fifth and Sixth Grade – 8:15am-3:40pm
            • Seventh and Eighth Grade – 8:15am-3:45pm

          Friday dismissals occur one hour earlier than general dismissal times above.

          Arrival and Dismissal Guidelines

            • For the safety of our community, all parents/guardians and students are asked to wear masks at arrival and dismissal.
            • Parents will not need to complete the daily Magnus App as we did last year. We do ask that you monitor your child’s health and keep your child home if there is any sign of COVID, e.g. headache, stomach ache, sneezing, sniffling, coughing.
            • School staff will conduct health screenings at the entrances and parents will be asked to drop students off outside of the yard/school entrance.
            • We ask parents to do their best to arrive on time for school. Late arrivals will need to wait outside the main entrance until a staff member is available to conduct a health screening.

          COVID-19 Screening

            • Parents will not need to complete the daily Magnus App as they did last year. We do ask that you monitor your child’s health and keep your child home if there is any sign of COVID, e.g. headache, stomachache, sneezing, sniffling, coughing.
            • School staff will conduct health screenings at the entrances and parents will be asked to drop students off outside of the yard/school entrance, like last year.

            Protocols for Students/Staff with Positive Screening Responses

              • Students may not attend school if they have symptoms such as: 
                • Fever, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, 
                • Chills, muscle pain, headache,                                                                        
                • Diarrhea, nausea,vomiting                                           
                • New loss of taste or smell,              
                • Congestion, runny nose, or sore throat.  
              • Students may not attend school if they have been exposed to someone who has tested positive for COVID-19.
              • At arrival; if symptoms are discovered at the screening, students will be isolated from other students and staff, aside from the staff supervising them, and immediately sent home with instructions to contact a health care provider for evaluation and testing. 
              • If the school determines a child is ill during the school day, parents/guardians will be required to pick up their child within one hour. 

            Attendance and Tardiness

                • Whether students are learning in-person or remotely, regular and timely school attendance is necessary for success in school and will be documented daily. 
                • Consult the school calendar so vacations and medical appointments do not conflict with learning time. 
                • Please inform the main office of your child’s absence by 9:00am.  
                • An absence from school for three or more consecutive days must be accompanied by a doctor’s note upon return to school.
                • Parents of middle school students should email their child’s advisor as far in advance as possible, and no later than 9:00am of the specific day, with information about scheduled student absences. 
                • Many eighth graders will have virtual visits to high schools during the school day; please inform the Director of Outplacement as soon as these appointments are set, and they will pass on the information to the relevant teachers. 
                • Students who miss school for family trips outside of school vacation times are expected to make up all class work and homework on their own; please do not ask teachers to prepare special assignments for these situations. 

                Chronic Absenteeism
                Senesh will work to identify any children at-risk of becoming chronically absent due to sickness, family situation, or other circumstances by reaching out to families and providing educational support services that include:

                  • Check-ins with the class teacher to provide work at a rate and level that is appropriate to the student’s situation 
                  • Additional support from our Learning Support team, if needed 
                  • Help arranging or altering any DOE-related services to which the child is entitled 
                  • Help obtaining the necessary technology to ensure continuity of learning
                  • Appointments with our school counselor who can refer out to additional services, as needed 

                To address chronic absenteeism, we will use phone, email, and even physically-distant in-person meetings to engage and converse with family members and students who are experiencing difficulty. 

                If an allegation of educational neglect is warranted due to a custodial parent or guardian failing to ensure a child’s prompt and regular attendance in school or keeps the child out of school for impermissible reasons; social services may be contacted. 

                School Closures

                • At times Senesh may close school if mandated by the Governor, due to COVID-19, inclement weather, or a city-wide emergency. 
                • For snow closures, we follow the decision of the NYC public schools. Please follow news announcements for pertinent information. At this time, we have not determined if there will be remote learning should there be a snow day.
                • At times Senesh may decide independently to close. In the event of a school specific closure or delay, a notice will be posted on the school website and email communication will be sent to all parents. 
                • The school also uses an outside provider to communicate this information to you through text messages delivered to the cell phones we have on file.

                      Lunch and Snacks

                      Lunch and Snack Protocols

                      • Students in grades 1-8 will eat lunch outdoors following three foot guidelines. Kindergartners will eat in their classrooms following distancing guidelines.
                      • As we are having our students eat outdoors (K in classrooms) we will not begin the year offering a school lunch program. We will revisit this possibility in late fall. 
                      • All students will be instructed to wash/sanitize their hands before and after meals.
                      • Students will be reminded not to share any food or beverages.
                      • Parents should include snacks in the lunchbox for their child. Some snack ideas: fruit, vegetables, raisins, popcorn, pretzels, cheese, or rice cakes. Please send nutritious snacks that are quick and easy to eat.
                      • There will be no communal snacks for birthdays or other such events. 
                      • Food allergies will be accommodated. 

                      Kashrut (Jewish Dietary Laws) and Other Food Guidelines

                      • All students should come to school with their own lunch and snacks for the day that follow the school’s kashrut policy (Jewish dietary laws). Student lunches brought from home must be dairy or parve. No meat or shellfish is permitted. Food brought from home does not need to have a hechsher (a rabbinical product certification, qualifying foods conform to the requirements of kashrut).
                      • Please send a filled and labeled water bottle to school with your child. 
                      • Please do not send candy to school with children. 
                      • Soda is not permitted in school.
                      • Parents are strongly discouraged from sending glass containers/bottles as cracks and breaks can result in serious injury.
                      • Due to strict health guidelines, outside deliveries of food from restaurants or from parents will not be allowed at any time.
                      • Gum chewing is not allowed in school.

                            Physical Education, Outdoor Time, and Breaks

                            • Kindergarten and first grade will have PE three times a week.
                            • Second, third, and fourth grades will have PE twice a week.
                            • All lower school classes will have 30 minutes of recess daily.
                            • Middle school will have outdoor lunch and outdoor activity time daily.
                            • Students will also have movement breaks throughout the day. 
                            • Grade 1-8 will eat lunch outdoors.

                                  Visitors and Gatherings

                                  • While we expect there will be restrictions on entry to the building for parents and visitors, we are hopeful that fully vaccinated parents will be allowed in the building for certain events and activities. 
                                  • Parents, please email proof of your vaccination to office2@hannahsenesh.org. Include your name and your child/ren’s names in the email. If you previously shared proof of vaccination with the school you do not need to resubmit.
                                  • SETSS providers and tutors are deemed essential and will be allowed in the building during school hours. All SETSS providers and tutors must show proof of vaccination.

                                    MONITORING HEALTH CONDITIONS

                                    Vaccination Policy

                                    Vaccination Policy as of December 1, 2021

                                    Students entering Senesh must fulfill the requirements of the State of New York for immunization each year. Any child who is found to be out of compliance is required by the NYS Department of Health and Mental Hygiene to be excluded from all classes and activities until they comply. This will be strictly enforced by the Senesh health team.

                                    Additionally, the Flu vaccine is required for all students and staff no later than November 15, 2021. Proof of vaccination should be submitted to the nurse at nurse@hannahsenesh.org.

                                    To ensure the health of our full community we are following the FDA and CDC guidelines and recommendations and require that all students ages 5 and older and staff be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. The Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine has been authorized by the FDA and the CDC for children ages 5-11. All students ages 5-11 must have received their first vaccination, and have uploaded confirmation of that to Magnus Health Student Medical Records, by Friday, January 7, 2022. All students must get their second vaccination by Friday, January 28, 2022. You can access your Magnus Health SMR account by clicking here. Students are considered fully vaccinated two weeks following the second dose.

                                    Should you require a medical exemption; please email Nathalie Cabot at ncabot@hannahsenesh.org for the documentation required to make a request for a medical exemption. The deadline for applying for a medical exemption is Monday, December 20, 2021. The Senesh Health Team will review your application in consultation with our legal team. We will let families know whether their applications were approved or denied as soon as possible.

                                    Form Submission

                                    Medical, Emergency Information and Administration of Medication forms must be submitted to the school via the Magnus platform for all students before the start of the school year.

                                    Student Illness/COVID-19 Policies

                                    • There will be a threshold for health care with a zero tolerance policy for sick children and staff. 
                                    • If your child has any COVID-19 symptoms (fever, chills, headache, runny nose, congestion, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, cough, shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, fatigue, body aches, or loss of taste/smell) they should not come to school.
                                    • If your child begins to exhibit any COVID-like symptoms at school, parents/guardians will be immediately contacted to pick up their child. The child will wait in the isolation room until the parent/guardian arrives. The child will be sent home with instructions to contact their health care provider for evaluation and possible COVID-19 testing.   
                                    • Persistent symptoms that last more than the initial day, multiple symptoms, or major symptoms such as fever greater than 100 degrees, chills, shortness of breath, loss of taste/smell or cough require a negative COVID-19 test, clearance from a health care provider, AND the child being symptom-free for 24 hours without the use of medication.

                                      Vulnerable Populations

                                      • The school will also make necessary modifications using PPE to meet specific needs for vulnerable populations to minimize COVID-19 exposure risk to the greatest extent possible.

                                        COVID Testing Protocols

                                        • All students must provide a negative PCR COVID test before the first day of school.
                                        • We will do routine testing in the school similar to what was done last year. Details of this will be forthcoming. Should you choose to test elsewhere, results must be emailed to office2@hannahsenesh.org. 
                                        • Director of Operations Nathalie Cabot is the Senesh coordinator for testing.

                                        Caring for a Student/Staff with COVID-19 Symptoms or Positive COVID Test

                                          If students or staff become ill with symptoms of COVID-19 at school:

                                          • They will be isolated in a designated healthcare room, supervised by an adult, socially distanced, and utilize appropriate PPE. 
                                          • Parents/guardians will be notified immediately that their child is sick and be asked to pick them up within one hour. Parents/guardians will not enter the school. The child will be brought to the parent/guardian at the main entrance.
                                          • Parents/guardians will receive instructions to contact their health care provider or to follow up with a local clinic or urgent care center for assessment and testing. If a student or staff member tests positive for COVID-19: 

                                          We will notify the state and local health departments and follow the CDC and NYS Department of Health guidelines. Families will be notified of exposure and students/family/staff health information will be kept confidential. Confidentiality is paramount and no names or identifiable facts will be shared/discussed internally or within our messaging to families. We ask that the Senesh community please uphold privacy and confidentiality for all of our staff and students. 

                                          Close Contacts

                                          • A close contact (in school) is defined as being within 3 feet of an infected person for 10 minutes or longer. A close contact (outside of school) is defined as being within 6 feet for 10 minutes or longer. 
                                          • Fully vaccinated close contacts (unless the contact is in your own home):
                                            • Do not need to quarantine if they are asymptomatic
                                            • Must take a PCR test 3-5 days after exposure and submit the test result to nurse@hannahsenesh.org
                                            • Wear a mask at all times while returning to school.
                                            • Any COVID positive individual must isolate for 10 days.  
                                          • Close contacts who are not fully vaccinated:
                                            • Must do a ten day quarantine. Day 1 starts the day after exposure. 
                                            • Do not need to test to return to school.
                                          • Test positive for COVID: 
                                            • Must do a ten day quarantine. Day 1 starts date of test the positive test or the day symptoms appeared.

                                          Return-to-School Policies

                                          Following COVID-19 Symptoms or positive PCR COVID-19 testing, returning to learning protocol must include at a minimum:

                                          • 10 days since symptoms first appeared and
                                          • 24 hours with no fever without the use of fever-reducing medications and
                                          • Other symptoms of COVID-19 are improving*

                                          *Loss of taste and smell may persist for weeks or months after recovery and need not delay the end of isolation​

                                          Communication of Positive COVID-19 Cases or Exposure

                                          If a student or member of a Senesh household tests positive for COVID-19 it is imperative that they notify the school nurse at nurse@hannahsenesh.org and Director of Operations Nathalie Cabot ncabot@hannahsenesh.org as soon as possible if you, your child(ren) or a close contact has tested positive for COVID-19. 

                                          Families will be notified of exposure and of positive cases of students or staff. Confidentiality is paramount and no names or identifiable facts will be shared/discussed internally or within our messaging to families. Additionally, we ask that the Senesh community please uphold privacy and confidentiality for all of our staff and students. 

                                          Contact Tracing

                                          • Contact tracing is a public health function performed by the local public health department to trace all persons who had contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19. This allows public health officials to put in place isolation or other measures to limit the spread of the virus. 
                                          • If there is a Senesh community member who tests positive, we will work very closely with the state and local health department to provide them with necessary and accurate information. We will not perform our own contact tracing.
                                          • Senesh will be responsible for notifying faculty or families of students that they have come into close or proximate contact with a person with COVID-19.
                                          • Please note that medical privacy laws explicitly prohibit Senesh from revealing the name of the individual who has tested positive for COVID-19.

                                          Medications in School

                                          • Administering medication to students must be done with caution and only with written permission and specific guidance. Even in the event of an emergency, we will not make a decision to give a child unauthorized medication, nor can we accept authorization over the telephone to give a child medication. 
                                          • Tylenol and Advil will be administered by the school nurse or the Director of Operations only if permission is given on the Emergency Form and signed by a parent or guardian.
                                          • Students are not to carry any medication, including over-the-counter medications, for self administration. Exceptions for asthma medication are made with written permission by parents.  
                                          • If parents wish the school nurse or designee to administer medication to their child during school hours, we require that an Administration of Medication form be completed and returned to the Director of Operations. The school nurse and the Director of Operations will be the only employees to administer medication to students.
                                          • Both prescription and non-prescription medication must be sent in to the school nurse in the original bottle. Prescription medications must also include the attached pharmacist’s label. An order for the medication must be provided from a licensed physician, dentist, nurse practitioner, physician assistant, or podiatrist. The medication label must also list the student’s name, medication, and prescriber. All orders must be renewed annually or whenever a change in treatment is made. It is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to ensure that the medication is replaced when expired and that medication is refilled as needed.
                                          • The school staff will not dispense any medication without written permission from the parents as well as a doctor’s order. Please note that the Administration of Medication form releases the employees of Hannah Senesh Community Day School from any liability arising from administration of this medication.

                                          First Aid

                                          Minor first aid will be given in school and a parent/guardian will be notified if necessary. In an emergency, if a parent cannot be reached or cannot retrieve the student in a timely manner, the student will be taken to the nearest hospital by EMS ambulance transport and the parent/guardian will be notified.

                                          Asthma Care

                                          • Children who can use a nebulizer at home will be asked to do so. 
                                          • Parents will be asked to send an inhaler and spacer to school for use during the school day. 
                                          • In an emergency, if a nebulizer has to be used in school, a fitted N95 mask will be provided to the nurse who will execute the nebulizer treatment.

                                          Food Allergies

                                          Hannah Senesh is a food allergy sensitive school. The school nurse maintains a list of student allergies and works directly with classroom teachers to make them aware of student needs. The teachers are given a list of children with allergies at the beginning of the year and these children are accommodated. Teachers are taught how to respond to food allergies and allergic reactions. Children are instructed not to share food and to wash hands before and after meals. 

                                          Children with food or other allergies should be identified to the school nurse, and information regarding exposure discussed and outlined. Those students who have epi-pens/auvi-Q prescribed must have one non-expired device in the nurse’s office at all times. For further information, contact Nathalie Cabot at ncabot@hannahsenesh.org.

                                          Head Lice and Bedbugs

                                          If it is discovered that your child has head lice you will be called to pick up your child. Children will not be readmitted to school without a note from a lice checker (unrelated to the child) who has determined their hair to be nit-free. If your child returns to school with any remaining nits or without a note, you will be asked to take your child home and complete the nit removal process. Speak to your pediatrician or call the school office for referrals to assist you in caring for your child. If you discover that your home has bed bugs, this must be reported to the school office. Appropriate measures must be taken to address the infestation. More information is available at www.nyc.gov/health. Contact the school office for further protocol details.

                                                          CREATING A SAFE SPACE

                                                          School Safety and Security

                                                          To reduce the transmission of germs, only students and vaccinated adults will be admitted into the building. Visitors to the school building are greeted by a security guard and all non-parent/caregiver visitors are required to sign in. Senesh follows comprehensive school safety and crisis management policies. Faculty and staff are trained in how to respond to emergencies, and drills are conducted regularly to prepare students for a variety of emergency situations. 

                                                          In case of an emergency, please do not call the main office as our lines need to be open for emergency personnel to reach the school. The school will communicate with parents via email or text as soon as possible. Please be mindful that the student’s immediate safety is our priority.

                                                          A central alarm system is utilized for fire and emergency drills. All students and staff in the building participate in orderly evacuation and lockdown drills. This year drills will take into account social distancing requirements and other steps to minimize the risk of spreading infection while conducting drills. Senesh will follow the requirement that schools conduct 8 evacuation and 4 lockdown drills each school year. 

                                                          Evacuation Drill Protocols

                                                          • Students and faculty are to maintain a distance of three feet when they gather on the sidewalks outside for our headcount, and by reviewing where each class should gather in order to preserve maximum distance. 
                                                          • The school will have three-foot markers on the sidewalks where we gather for fire drills. 
                                                          • Drills will be conducted on a staggered schedule so that classrooms evacuate separately rather than all at once.

                                                          Lockdown Drill Protocols

                                                          • To keep physical distance we will provide an overview of how to shelter in place rather than actually practicing sheltering in place, which usually entails sitting on the floor closely together in a safe corner of the room. 
                                                          • The drills will be done on a staggered schedule while ensuring all students are receiving instruction in emergency procedures and participating in drills.

                                                          Students will be instructed that if it were an actual emergency requiring evacuation or lockdown, the most imminent concern is to get to safety; maintaining social distancing in an actual emergency that requires evacuation or lockdown may not be possible and should not be the first priority. In the event of an evacuation emergency, students would be escorted to Mary McDowell Friends School at 133-135 Summit Street. 

                                                          Student Code of Conduct, Bullying and Sexual Harassment

                                                            It is important that school be an environment which is emotionally and physically safe for all students and staff. In order to foster such an environment, negative acts of a violent, physical, verbal, or emotional nature will not be tolerated. Parents are expected and encouraged to review these policies with their child to ensure they are understood.

                                                            As a school with children between the ages of four and 14, we seek to support students with interventions and disciplinary action where appropriate, holding students accountable and simultaneously helping students learn from their mistakes. Our intent is not to suppress or punish normal and developmentally appropriate behaviors. The response to misconduct is dependent on the student’s age, the student’s prior misconduct, the number of prior instances of misconduct, the nature, severity and scope of the behavior. Discipline may include, but is not limited to, suspension or expulsion.

                                                            Examples of unacceptable behaviors include, but are not limited to:

                                                              • Weapons, including but not limited to pocket knives, are not permitted on school premises.
                                                              • Violent or physical behavior (hitting, punching, pushing, tripping, fighting) involving another student or staff or visitor
                                                              • Behaving in a way that is dangerous or compromises the safety of oneself or others, including tampering with fire alarms or possessing any hazardous material
                                                              • Destroying or damaging student work, teacher materials, or school-supplied resources
                                                              • Writing on walls, bulletin boards, or school furniture
                                                              • Stealing or destroying the property of others or of the school
                                                              • Insulting or putting down another student or teacher
                                                              • Serious or habitual classroom disruptions
                                                              • Bullying, threatening, or intimidating another student
                                                              • Sexual harassment
                                                              • Possession, use, selling, distributing, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol, including improper use of prescription drugs
                                                              • Smoking or vaping on school premises
                                                              • Cheating
                                                              • Lying to avoid punishment for wrongdoing or otherwise
                                                              • Inappropriate student communication involving cell phones, texting, internet, and messaging
                                                              • Using profane, obscene, or vulgar language
                                                              • Leaving class or school premises without permission
                                                              • Use of a cell phone during the school day without explicit permission by a faculty member

                                                            The above list includes some examples. It is not a comprehensive or all-inclusive list. Students may also be disciplined for common sense violations or violations of school community values other than those enumerated above.

                                                            Fostering an Inclusive Community

                                                              During the school day, students are expected to live the value of Openness/Elu v’Elu by engaging in behaviors and using language which promote feelings of inclusivity and belonging. In the event students act or speak to fellow students in a way which runs contrary to Senesh’s Diversity Statement—for example, by making disparaging comments about or singling out a student based on that individual’s race, ethnicity, gender, or other identity markers—Senesh staff will address the issue directly by engaging in some or all of the following measures:

                                                              • Interrupting the behavior;
                                                              • Speaking with the students involved to understand their perspectives and feelings;
                                                              • Involving the relevant school counselor in further discussions with the students, individually and together, to foster communication and greater understanding through restorative practices;
                                                              • Creating opportunities for the student who was impacted/singled out for his/her/their identity to feel empowered to address the incident verbally with the other student, with the goal of seeking justice for himself/herself/themselves;
                                                              • Contacting the parents of the students involved so that discussions and empathy achieved in school can be further processed and reinforced at home; and
                                                              • Providing suggestions, resources and/or support as needed to families to ensure that justice is achieved.

                                                              If your child is on the receiving end of comments or behavior, from anyone within the Senesh community, which makes your child feel singled out for his/her/their identity, please reach out to your teachers and/or the Lower/Middle School Director so that the incident can be addressed quickly and processed with all parties in a sensitive, empathic way at school. 

                                                              We are dedicated to helping your child thrive at Senesh and appreciate your assistance.

                                                              If you are contacted about (or otherwise learn of) your child engaging in comments or behavior which may have resulted in another child feeling targeted based on their identity, please reach out directly to the parents of the impacted child for purposes of opening lines of communication and model promoting an empathic dialogue.

                                                              Student Bullying/Harassment Policy

                                                                Physical and verbal aggression, the use of abusive language, hazing, bullying, and harassment of any kind are prohibited. This policy applies not only at school and school sponsored or affiliated trips and events, but also to certain conduct that occurs outside of school and in cyberspace. The school reserves the right to discipline those in the school community who engage in harassment/bullying of other school community members at any location and at any time if such harassment/bullying causes a substantial disruption to the school community at the discretion of the school. 


                                                                Harassment/bullying is the creation of a hostile environment by conduct or by threats, intimidation or abuse, including cyberbullying, that either:

                                                                  1. Has or would have the effect of unreasonably and substantially interfering with a student’s educational performance, opportunities or benefits, or mental, emotional or physical well-being
                                                                  2. Reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause a student to fear for his or her physical safety
                                                                  3. Reasonably causes or would reasonably be expected to cause physical injury or emotional harm to a student
                                                                  4. Occurs off school property and creates or would foreseeably create a risk of substantial disruption within the school environment, where it is foreseeable that the conduct, threats, intimidation or abuse’s effect might reach school property.  

                                                                Acts of harassment/bullying shall include, but not be limited to, those acts based on a person’s actual or perceived race, color, weight, national origin, ethnic group, religion, religious practice, disability, sexual orientation, gender (which includes gender identity and/or expression) or sex.  

                                                                Prohibited conduct includes, but is not limited to: epithets, slurs, quips or negative stereotyping that relate to any of the categories above. This list is not all-inclusive. Other unwelcome acts of an offensive nature may also constitute harassment/bullying.

                                                                Bullying behavior can include, but is not limited to, the following:

                                                                  • Deliberately excluding another community member
                                                                  • Threatening physical harm
                                                                  • Teasing
                                                                  • Taking, hiding, or damaging someone’s belongings
                                                                  • Gossiping about another community member
                                                                  • Name calling
                                                                  • Pushing, tripping, kicking, hitting 

                                                                Sexual Harassment

                                                                Bullying/harassment includes sexual harassment. Sexual harassment is a specific abusive behavior that involves unwanted and unwelcome sexual attention. A behavior is considered sexual harassment on the basis of the target’s perception of “unwelcome” sexual behavior; in other words, it is defined by the impact of the action rather than the intentions of the harasser(s). Sexual harassment also includes any unwelcome behaviors which create a hostile or intimidating learning environment.

                                                                Harassment may include, but is not limited to, the following:

                                                                  • Touching, rubbing or pinching of a sexual nature
                                                                  • Unwanted requests for sexual favors or dating
                                                                  • Unwelcome stories, comments, or jokes concerning the anatomy, behavior, sexual preferences, or gender identification of oneself or others
                                                                  • Displaying or circulating offensive written or graphic sexual material
                                                                  • Sexual gestures or noises
                                                                  • Transmitting or causing to be transmitted unwanted sexually-oriented material via email, text, social media, mail or other means
                                                                  • Rating individuals based on physical attributes or appearance
                                                                  • Pantsing, wedgies, and bra snapping

                                                                Other examples of the type of behavior that may constitute sexual harassment include:

                                                                  • Demands for sexual activity
                                                                  • Sexual flirtations
                                                                  • Advances or propositions
                                                                  • Sexual innuendos or suggestive jokes
                                                                  • Comments of a sexual nature to describe an individual or an individual’s body
                                                                  • Any type of coerced sexual activity including sexual abuse
                                                                  • Displays of sexually suggestive objects or pictures; obscene gestures or materials
                                                                  • Spreading rumors of a sexual nature
                                                                  • Leering 

                                                                The above lists are not all inclusive. Other unwelcome acts of an offensive nature may also constitute sexual harassment/bullying. Sexual harassment can occur between individuals of different genders or individuals of the same gender. 

                                                                Procedures for Reporting Bullying/Harassment

                                                                The school requires all members of the school community (students, faculty, staff, parents, etc.) to report all incidents of harassment/bullying, regardless of who the offender may be. The school will take prompt, reasonable action to prevent, investigate, and remedy harassment/bullying. Reports should be made to a member of the faculty, staff, or administrator. All Senesh employees are required to report such incidents to the Head of School if they receive a report or otherwise learn of an incident. 

                                                                If comfortable doing so, students are encouraged to inform the offender that the conduct is unwelcome and requesting that the bullying/harassment stop. 

                                                                After receiving a complaint of conduct prohibited by this policy, the Head of School, in consultation with whomever else is deemed appropriate by the Head of School, will promptly investigate the complaint. School employees and students are under a duty to cooperate with an investigation. The school will try to be as discreet as possible during an investigation and confidentiality will be maintained to the extent possible given the facts and circumstances of the complaint and the need to do a fair and thorough investigation.

                                                                If the school determines that this policy has been violated, the violator will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, which may include but is not limited to a verbal or written reprimand, referral to appropriate counseling, suspension, or expulsion, in the case of a student or discharge in the case of a School employee.

                                                                The school will not retaliate against anyone who in good faith reports a violation under this policy or who participates in the investigation of a complaint. Any person who engages in such retaliation will be subject to disciplinary action including expulsion or termination. 

                                                                DIVERSITY, EQUITY, INCLUSION, AND BELONGING

                                                                Diversity Statement

                                                                Over the past two years, we have created a space for ongoing learning and dialogue about race, ethnicity, and implicit bias. This included extensive professional training, curriculum development, and parent engagement. These actions have helped to create and to nurture an inclusive community, to allow us to stand in solidarity with those who are oppressed, and to respect, honor, and embrace differences. Our work began with intention when the Senesh Board of Trustees adopted a diversity statement. These principles guide decision-making:

                                                                As an open and inclusive Jewish day school in the heart of Brooklyn, we strive to provide an unparalleled, modern academic home that is committed to the rich mosaic of Jewish life. We are committed to intentionally building this mosaic with our students, faculty, administration, and families through their diversity across ethnicity, race, nationality, Jewish identity and practice, interfaith family composition, sexual orientation, gender identity, life experiences, socio-economic status, perspectives and worldviews. We value the dignity and self-worth of each member of our community.

                                                                We believe in ensuring that our students are prepared to be global citizens who can be productive agents of change toward a more just world. Our core Jewish value of Openness/Elu v’Elu guides our work in building empathy, promoting tolerance, and valuing difference. We live this value daily at Senesh in our curriculum, programming, admissions, hiring, professional development, and dialogue with our broader community. It is integral to our ongoing journey/Masa as a school to embrace the complex conversation of diversity in the 21st century, which we believe will continue to make our school community even more vibrant and strong.

                                                                Transgender and Non-Binary Student Support Guidelines

                                                                Staff Training and Development

                                                                Senesh faculty promote the school’s commitment to diversity and inclusion in many ways, which include: 

                                                                • curricula in each grade that celebrate diversity through historic and present-day lenses, 
                                                                • creating an environment of inclusion and empathy in the classroom, and 
                                                                • encouraging ongoing dialogue around embracing diverse attributes, experiences, and perspectives that make our community unique, and 
                                                                • a commitment to ongoing learning.

                                                                In partnership with prominent organizations, our faculty is engaged in ongoing training and development. Below are some examples: 

                                                                • Race and Equity in the Context of Jewish Education, Facing History and Ourselves
                                                                • Culturally Responsive Teaching, Facing History and Ourselves
                                                                • Navigating Conversations about Current Events, Facing History and Ourselves    
                                                                • Jewish around the World: Holidays, Be’chol Lashon
                                                                • Building Racial Literacy to Confront the Empathy Gap, New York State Association of Independent Schools (NYSAIS)
                                                                • LGBTQ+ Leadership Training, Keshet
                                                                • LGBTQ+ Staff Training, Anastasia Fuji


                                                                Faculty incorporated learnings from professional development in curricula across the school. The following is a list of some of this ongoing work: 

                                                                • Social emotional learning. By anchoring our learning to five core competencies of self-awareness, self-management, relationship skills, responsible decision making, and social awareness, we are building an inclusive community with intention. 
                                                                • Holidays and rituals. Using holidays as an opportunity to celebrate diversity, students are learning how Jewish communities around the world celebrate Jewish holidays and rituals. 
                                                                • Embracing Jewish diversity in our own community. Celebrating the diversity of our own community, we look carefully at our practices and curriculum and lift up Jews of Color, LGBTQ+ Jews, and Jewish culture from around the world.
                                                                • Building bridges through partnerships. In partnership with organizations such as Repair the World, Emma’s Torch, Project Ezra, and Brooklyn Autism Center, students form new relationships, gain skills, awareness, and experience being culturally competent in diverse settings. 
                                                                • Lower school social studies. Developing an anti-bias curriculum that creates a space for students to explore individual and group identity; respecting what makes people different; standing up to injustice, prejudice, discrimination, and exclusion; and inspiring them to take action. 

                                                                Middle school humanities. Partnering with Facing History and Ourselves and inspired by the Learning for Justice Social Justice Standards, our middle school humanities faculty are revisiting our social studies and ELA curricula through the lens of diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging with a focus on race, religion, and gender identities.

                                                                Racial Equity and Justice

                                                                A focus on diversity, equity inclusion, and belonging is at the heart of our school’s mission and values, and our community is inspired to take our work to the next level of racial equity and justice. Programs that will foster this evolution include the following:

                                                                • Faculty members attend workshops and trainings through organizations such as Facing History and Ourselves, Be’Chol Lashon, Center for Racial Justice in Education, NYSAIS, Haakmat Consulting, Jews in All Hues, and more. 
                                                                • We are currently participating with four other day schools through the Nafshenu: UJA-NY REI School Cohort. 
                                                                • Staff representation on PRIZMAH and New York State Association of Independent Schools DEIB workgroups.
                                                                • Faculty reading group devoted to reading about and discussing racial equity and justice.
                                                                • Training, provided by an outside organization, for all faculty and staff during August in-service, with continued/regular meetings throughout the school year. 
                                                                • Parent workshops, organized by our parent diversity committee. 
                                                                • On-going curricular examinations to ensure:
                                                                  • Discussions about race and identity begin in the younger grades and continue in all years. 
                                                                  • Teachers have had opportunities to discuss and reflect on their own racial identity and are willing to and comfortable with discussing race and identity with students. 
                                                                  • Our curriculum allows students to understand and recognize systemic and structural racism and oppression. 
                                                                  • Across our community parents and alumni have mobilized to take action by participating in book clubs, dialogues, and other events on this topic.

                                                                JEWISH RITUAL PRACTICES

                                                                Ritual Head Coverings

                                                                School policy with regard to ritual head coverings reflects Senesh’s commitment to tradition and to egalitarian values. All students are expected to cover their heads during prayer and when eating. Given the diversity of our community, some students choose to wear head coverings throughout the day. Students should come to school prepared with a head covering; appropriate choices include kippot, scarves, and hats. Specific concerns about the ritual head covering policy should be addressed to the Head of School or to the Judaic Studies Coordinator.

                                                                Kashrut (Jewish Dietary Laws)

                                                                As an organization, Hannah Senesh observes kashrut, which means that all food that was served at school events (pre-COVID) is certified kosher. Additionally, certain restrictions are put on any foods that are brought into the school building. Our policy aims to balance an authentic communal standard with a respect for individual home practices. 

                                                                There are many intricacies to the Jewish laws of kashrut, but the basic points are as follows:

                                                                • Dairy and meat products may not be prepared or eaten together.
                                                                • Separate dishes and utensils are used for dairy and meat food. Parve foods, which are neither dairy or meat, may be prepared and served with either dairy or meat dishes and utensils.
                                                                • In order to be considered kosher by the strictest standards, food handling and production must be closely supervised by a trained professional called a mashgiach, which is Hebrew for supervisor.
                                                                • Foods that are certified kosher bear a mark on their packaging called a hechsher, which is a Hebrew word that indicates a state of being certified kosher. While there are many acceptable kashrut certification marks, below are some of the more prevalent ones you may encounter:

                                                                Please note, the presence of a K on a package does NOT indicate that the food handling and production has been supervised by a mashgiach, so the food product is not considered kosher by school sharing standards. You may notice some other letters near a food’s hechsher: D indicates that the food is dairy; DE indicates that the food was processed on dairy equipment, but does not include dairy ingredients; P indicates that the food is certified kosher for Passover, in addition to being kosher for the rest of the year. The word parve indicates that the food contains no dairy products.

                                                                • Lunch: Student lunches brought from home must be dairy or parve.  No meat or shellfish is permitted. Food brought from home does not need to have a hechsher (a rabbinical product certification, qualifying foods conform to the requirements of kashrut).
                                                                • Class Parties: There will be no food shared at in-school celebrations this year due to COVID-19.
                                                                • Outside of School: We ask you to be sensitive to the religious practices and dietary restrictions of all who are invited to events outside of school. Parents are encouraged not to schedule any school gathering virtual or otherwise on or close to Shabbat or Jewish holidays, so as not to exclude children from the class whose families observe those holidays. Please provide kosher food so all children can be included in the celebration and be sure to check with other parents regarding food allergies. 

                                                                B-Mitzvah Celebrations

                                                                Celebrating milestones together builds community. As such, we request that parents invite a child’s entire grade to the b-mitzvah, virtual or otherwise. While we realize that this may not always be possible, we hope that in making the list of those to invite you will be as inclusive as possible. In a small school, feelings can be easily hurt; some options are to invite the entire class. Excluding just a few students from any of these groups can cause hurt feelings. Please also use sensitivity in extending invitations to students from other grades. 

                                                                In order to be inclusive, we ask you to be sensitive to the religious practices and dietary restrictions of all who are invited to the party, including the start time of evening parties after Shabbat. As always, please ensure food served at celebrations is aligned with our school’s kashrut policy. Questions regarding this policy should be directed to the Judaic Studies Coordinator.

                                                                The Judaic Studies Coordinator keeps a calendar of bar and bat mitzvah dates to avoid scheduling conflicts. Before you schedule your child’s bar or bat mitzvah, please contact Phyllis Sussman at psussman@hannahsenesh.org to schedule your date.

                                                                If you have a weekday celebration, we ask that you be respectful of class time when setting the time for the celebration, and choose weekdays when school is not in session. While we seek to be flexible, we also want to avoid a significant impact on the academic program.

                                                                Every child will have an in-school b-mitzvah celebration. This includes tefillah led by our b-mitzvah student, a short presentation about how the student embodies our school values, and a gift from the school. Students may give out a small party favor distributed by Senesh staff.

                                                                During COVID we continue to reassess all our activities with the goal of making them as safe as possible. We understand the challenges of planning a b-mitzvah outside of school during this time while prioritizing health and safety, and are in awe of the many Senesh families that have had joyous and meaningful simchot (celebrations) during COVID. We are committed to continuing to work together to allow for safe celebrations. As many families are in the process of planning, encourage you to follow our school community guidelines and that every invitation for a b-mitzvah states explicitly what safety measures will be in place and what safety measures are expected of all guests.

                                                                TEACHING AND LEARNING

                                                                Social Emotional Wellbeing

                                                                Senesh has and will continue to support students, faculty and staff, and parents during this COVID-19 period in a number of different ways. Our robust social-emotional support system is multi-tiered:

                                                                • In addition to our classroom teachers, the school is served by two school counselors (one for each division) who are available to students, families and teachers for individual and family appointments, as well as consultation with teachers about student needs in the classroom. 
                                                                • Counselors send out regular emails to parents to address the unique emotional challenges of a public health crisis and meet individually with parents upon request. 
                                                                • Our weekly grade-level meetings, attended by teachers, the school counselor, learning specialist, and division director are an opportunity to share notes on students of concern and track progress in getting students and families the help they need. When necessary, outside referrals for follow up will be made. These meetings enable the staff to ensure support systems are in place for students.

                                                                Lower School Responsive Classroom Approach

                                                                Responsive Classroom philosophy is the cornerstone of our approach to building community and connection.

                                                                • In the lower school, all teachers have been trained in the Responsive Classroom model, which weaves social-emotional practices into the structure of the school day. 
                                                                • Responsive Classroom morning meetings build a strong sense of community and set students up for academic and social success. 
                                                                • The Responsive Classroom model provides teachers with specific language and practices to implement engaging academics, positive community, effective classroom management and awareness of the developmental needs of their students. 
                                                                • In addition to the Responsive Classroom approach, our lower school has a robust social-emotional curriculum. Faculty training has allowed us to develop a common language and understanding around students’ social-emotional needs. Teachers deliver this curriculum through lessons and activities on topics such as self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, relationship skills, and decision making. 

                                                                In addition to explicitly teaching social emotional skills, teachers intentionally introduce a social emotional lens to other areas of curriculum. For example, students examine the feelings and motivation of characters in books, the decision making process of public figures in social studies, and the dilemmas and conflicts faced by biblical figures.  

                                                                Middle School Advisory

                                                                In middle school, our advising system is the cornerstone of social-emotional support.

                                                                • The advising curriculum addresses the social-emotional needs of students at each grade level. 
                                                                • Each grade has a team of advisors who work with the student support team to provide social-emotional support for their advisees. 
                                                                • The advising program includes weekly advising meetings as well as morning meetings and individual check-ins. 
                                                                • Advisors are the bridge between school and family as we partner to support students. 

                                                                Educational Support

                                                                Senesh is fortunate to have a strong learning support program in place. Our learning support team includes two full time learning specialists.

                                                                • Teachers at each grade level at Senesh meet weekly to discuss student progress and concerns. 
                                                                • Meetings in the lower school are also attended by the lower school director and full time lower school learning specialist while meetings in the middle school are attended by the middle school director and full time middle school learning specialist. 
                                                                • After hearing about student concerns, the team will make recommendations to the teachers on ways to differentiate instruction  and scaffold assignments to support the child. 
                                                                • The learning specialist may observe the child in the classroom to gain additional insights. The team will follow up to assess if these interventions are sufficient.
                                                                • If the student continues to struggle, the next step would be for the learning specialist to work with the child, one-on-one or in small groups either in the classroom or in the learning center to provide targeted instruction. The duration of this support will depend on the childs’ learning needs and progress. 
                                                                • The learning specialist will assess the student’s progress and adjust instruction accordingly. The learning specialist works with students in each grade of the lower school and is in close contact with the classroom teachers.

                                                                If a student is not making satisfactory progress,

                                                                • The division director, learning specialist, and classroom teachers will meet with the parents to recommend an evaluation in order to gain understanding into the student’s learning profile. 
                                                                • Some of our families seek a private neuro-psychological evaluation while others may proceed with an evaluation through the department of education. 
                                                                • Once an evaluation has been completed the teaching team will reconvene to review the recommendations and accommodations.  

                                                                There are a number of students at each grade level who receive support through the Department of Education, including academic support from a SETSS provider, occupational therapy, and speech therapy. These providers are not employees of the school but use spaces in the building to support the students. These providers will be allowed in the building this fall.Open communication, a collaborative approach, and providing these necessary interventions and modifications will support student progress and individual learning needs being met.


                                                                • Access to Technology: In the lower school, teachers have access to devices such as chromebooks, laptops, and iPads as needed. The middle school operates on a 1:1 program where each student is given a device to use for school-related purposes in school and at home.
                                                                • Platforms and Security: Senesh uses Google Classroom and Seesaw as online platforms for instruction and learning. Zoom is our preferred video conference tool. Our technology team evaluates all of our platforms including security concerns. Students are taught about internet safety, digital citizenship, and how to safely manage their school accounts. Student Hannah Senesh email accounts can only be used to email within the Hannah Senesh domain. 

                                                                Supporting Student Work at Home

                                                                  There are many ways that parents can help their children develop independence and organizational skills, and become responsible for their school work.

                                                                  • Provide a designated workspace for regular homework and remote classwork. This may be in the child’s room, at the kitchen table, or any other appropriate space. Ensure that the work-space is quiet and well-lit.
                                                                  • Depending on the age of the child, parents can involve students in helping set up and maintain their workspaces. When a child is sharing a space with siblings or parents, individual workspaces can be demarcated with colorful tape. 
                                                                  • Keep distractions to a minimum. Loud music or television programs can prevent students from doing their best work. When doing school work on a computer, students should not be interacting with friends online or playing games.  
                                                                  • Provide a space and system for organizing school materials by subject. This could be at a desk, storage bin, or cabinet. This saves children from having to hunt for the materials they need. Encourage children to declutter and reorganize their workspace at the end of each week.
                                                                  • Help children establish a time and routine for additional homework to be completed after the school day. Many children benefit from a snack and break once school has finished. Homework should be done as early in the evening as possible. 
                                                                  • Express an interest in your child’s work. Answer occasional questions, but please avoid doing your child’s assignments. Encourage your child to inform the teacher if they are having difficulties completing assignments.  


                                                                    Judaic and general studies teachers coordinate homework assignments so that the children are not overly burdened with homework. There will be homework four times a week for grades 1-8. Extensive homework will not be assigned over weekends or Jewish holidays.

                                                                    When a student is absent, parents of lower school students should email the teacher to request homework and to discuss means to get the books/materials home to the child. Middle school students are expected to contact a classmate to find out what was missed. Concerns regarding any homework assignments should be first directed to your child’s teacher.

                                                                    Students work at various paces, so there is a range of time that a child may spend completing daily assignments. As students progress through the grades, especially in middle school, time management in regards to long-term assignments increasingly becomes the responsibility of the student. Below is a guide to the approximate amount of time your child may spend completing homework. If you notice assignments taking much longer than noted, please be in touch with your child’s teacher.

                                                                    Homework Time Guide (This is in addition to independent reading).
                                                                    During distance learning these guidelines may be altered.

                                                                    Grade 1                            15-25 minutes per night
                                                                    Grade 2                            20-30 minutes per night
                                                                    Grade 3                            30-40 minutes per night
                                                                    Grade 4                            40-50 minutes per night
                                                                    Middle School  60-90 minutes per night

                                                                    School Supplies

                                                                    Senesh gives students all necessary school supplies at the beginning of the year. 

                                                                      Libraries and Textbooks

                                                                      Each classroom has a library in addition to our school library. Both collections are used for organized class projects and student research. In addition, students may borrow books for their personal use. Lost or damaged books must be paid for or replaced.

                                                                      Textbooks and trade books are lent to students. Except for consumables, books must be returned at the end of the school year. Students will be charged for books that are not returned or are returned in poor condition.

                                                                        Field Trips

                                                                        At this time, there will be no school field trips. We will utilize opportunities to bring guests and experience into our classrooms virtually. If at such time field trips are allowed, parents will receive a trip-specific form before each trip with information regarding the date, destination, and schedule. A parent or guardian must sign these forms in order for your child to accompany the class. Students are expected to bring a disposable lunch to school on the day of a class trip.

                                                                          Evaluation and Assessment

                                                                          • Teachers assess student progress by evaluating homework, class work, projects/tests, and participation.  
                                                                          • Twice a year, in January and June, parents receive formal progress reports with detailed narratives of this assessment. Additionally, parent/teacher conferences in November and March allow for teachers and parents to meet remotely to discuss student progress and achievement.
                                                                          • In addition to detailed narrative sections, middle school students receive letter grades starting in sixth grade. However, only seventh and eighth grade students’ grades are shared externally. 
                                                                          • Each teacher has her/his own system for evaluating student work and assigning grades, so please see individual teacher handouts (available at Back to School Night) for more information. 
                                                                          • Parents are encouraged to help students remember that teacher comments are as important as letter grades, especially in identifying specific areas of challenge or accomplishment.
                                                                          • In May, the school will administer the ERB CTP 5 tests in math and English to students in grades 4-7. These tests help the school evaluate student achievement, and seventh grade scores are used as part of the high school admissions process. 

                                                                            High School Outplacement

                                                                              • The Director of High School Outplacement facilitates high school admissions. 
                                                                              • Meetings are held in the winter for seventh grade parents and again in the fall for eighth grade parents and students to provide an overview of the high school outplacement process. One-on-one Zoom meetings with families are subsequently held to discuss and document thoughts on high schools. 
                                                                              • In the fall, additional Zoom meetings are held to finalize prospective high school lists, discuss specifics for individual students, and refine next steps. 
                                                                              • By late November/December, students complete the process of applying to both private and/or public schools. 
                                                                              • The middle school coordinates teacher recommendations, report cards, and transcript delivery to high schools. 
                                                                              • The process concludes when students are notified of acceptances to high schools and make their final choices.

                                                                              Transcript and Recommendation Requests

                                                                                  • Detailed instructions of the high school admissions process are provided for middle school parents.
                                                                                  • For families in other grades opting to leave Hannah Senesh, two weeks’ notice is required to process transcript and/or recommendation requests. 
                                                                                  • Requests must be accompanied by completed paperwork and must include all contact information.
                                                                                  • In general, transcripts and recommendations are not released to families. Transcripts will not be released unless the family is current with its financial obligations to the school.

                                                                                  PARENT-SCHOOL PARTNERSHIP

                                                                                  Guiding Principles

                                                                                  The Parent-School partnership is an important part of your child’s experience at Senesh and is essential to building a strong community. 

                                                                                  At Senesh:

                                                                                  • Every family is welcomed and valued. We are all connected to each other and play a part in the life of the school.
                                                                                  • We care about establishing trust and mutual respect between the school and parents.
                                                                                  • School lines of communication are open and we demonstrate respect in all communication.
                                                                                  • Staff and parents are mutually committed to building and maintaining an open relationship.
                                                                                  • Families agree to support our educational program that fosters a love of learning guided by intellectual discovery, social responsibility, commitment to diverse perspectives and experiences, and the development of personal character.
                                                                                  • Families acknowledge the importance of derech eretz (how one conducts oneself in a respectful manner) and the values of honesty, integrity, responsibility, and tolerance of diverse opinions.
                                                                                  • Families agree to accept our open and inclusive approach to Jewish life.
                                                                                  • Families will treat Senesh administrators, faculty and staff, as well as other members of the Senesh community, with respect and courtesy in all forms of communications, including face to face, written, electronic and social media communications. 
                                                                                  • Families will use electronic communication thoughtfully and will not publicly air grievances about the school, staff, or fellow Senesh families on social media, via email, or in any written or spoken communication.

                                                                                  Ways to Stay Updated

                                                                                  Successful partnerships are built on open, regular, and clear communication. Following is a list of the many ways that Senesh communicates with parents.

                                                                                  • Website: www.hannahsenesh.org is updated regularly and includes school news, the Senesh store, calendar, forms, blogs, and more. We have created a special section on our website as needed for COVID-19 updates.
                                                                                  • Weekly School News Email: Every week, parents receive an email that includes upcoming school and PA events, special announcements, highlights from the previous week, and links to important school information.
                                                                                  • Grade Level Blogs: Each grade creates a blog post that includes information describing special learning activities that took place during the previous week and previews upcoming projects and curriculum—a great way to gain insight into your child’s week at school. Kindergarten and 1st grades will have weekly blogs, 2-4th grade blogs will be posted every other week and middle school blogs will be posted monthly.
                                                                                  • Social Media: We encourage parents to “Like” our Facebook page and follow our Instagram feed for frequent posts of Senesh school life.
                                                                                  • Email, Phone, and Face-to-Face/Zoom: The entire Senesh staff is accessible by phone and email and is available for face-to-face/Zoom meetings. 
                                                                                  • Frequent Zoom Meetings: Senesh hosts a variety of meetings for parents to stay informed and involved including: Back to School Night, New Parent Orientation, Parent Teacher Conferences, and Coffee Talks with our School Psychologist. These will be over Zoom due to COVID-19.

                                                                                  Communication with Senesh Teachers and Staff

                                                                                  Your children are always our first priority and we look forward to partnering with you to help them learn, grow, and be an integral part of the Senesh community. Our School’s Jewish values guide all that we do, including communications between parents and staff. Together, we should aspire to communicate with:

                                                                                  • Kindness – a respectful tone in an appropriate time and place.
                                                                                  • Openness – transparency and the assumption of good intentions.
                                                                                  • Journey – understanding that productive parent-school communications are fundamental to our children’s success on their journey at Senesh and beyond.

                                                                                  As we embark on the year together, we hope the following guidelines will help facilitate parent-school communications that are driven by these values.

                                                                                  • If you’d like to discuss a matter with your child’s teacher, please email them to set up a time to speak in person/Zoom or on the phone. We care deeply about addressing and resolving any concerns that arise thoughtfully and rapidly and ask that parents share matters with the school as soon as possible. Please note that teachers may not be able to respond to your emails immediately as they are busy with students throughout the day. They will respond to you within 24 hours.
                                                                                  • While emails are useful for setting up meetings with teachers or answering quick, fact-based questions they do not allow for meaningful conversations. Phone calls and in-person/Zoom meetings can be arranged via email to ensure productive dialogue and have more extensive conversations.
                                                                                  • We understand the inclination to talk with your child’s teacher when you see them in school or around the neighborhood, but please refrain from discussing your child at these times as it does not allow for privacy or a thorough conversation.
                                                                                  • We understand that sometimes your child will report something that leaves you puzzled or wanting more information, please do not hesitate to reach out to discuss what occurred in school, as we want you to have a comprehensive accounting of events.

                                                                                  Events for Parents

                                                                                  Small classes and regular communication with families through emails, our blog updates, parent-teacher conferences, Back to School Night, parent meetings, and social media updates cultivate a sense of trust and community. While we expect there will be restrictions on entry to the building for parents and visitors, we are hopeful that fully vaccinated parents will be allowed in the building for certain events and activities.  Parents, please email proof of your vaccination to office2@hannahsenesh.org. Include your name and your child/ren’s names in the email. If you previously shared proof of vaccination with the school you do not need to resubmit.

                                                                                  Below are just some of the ways staff connect with parents:

                                                                                  • Back to School Night: To meet teachers and learn more about the grade level curriculum, program, and procedures, parents are invited to attend Back to School Night. This fall, Back to School night will be remote.
                                                                                  • Parent Teacher Conferences: Parents will receive notice when progress reports will be posted on Mybackpack in January and in June. All parents receive a secure sign in. Remote Parent-teacher conferences will be in November and March. In advance of conferences, parents will receive information on how to sign up for appointments online. Conference dates are noted on the school calendar. We have a tradition of nearly 100% attendance, and we encourage you to attend, whether in person or virtually.
                                                                                  • Other events with/for Parents: Parents are such an important part of the Senesh community and participate in many events throughout the year from attending holiday programs to publishing parties for their children and coffee talks with our school counselors to social events just for parents. This year, these events may be held virtually to maintain physical distancing measures.

                                                                                  Ways to Get Involved

                                                                                  Parent involvement is an important part of the Senesh community. Here are just some ways to get involved at Senesh:

                                                                                  • Volunteer for classroom and school programs
                                                                                  • Become a Senesh Admissions Ambassador
                                                                                  • Help with our community events/programs for the public
                                                                                  • Assist with fundraising activities such grant identification, major gifts, and sharing the Senesh story
                                                                                  • Join the parent diversity committee 
                                                                                  • Get involved with the Parents Association (PA)

                                                                                  Parent Association (PA)

                                                                                  As a Senesh parent you are automatically a member of the Parent Association (PA). The PA develops programs, activities, events, and volunteer opportunities that strengthen our bond with each other and our school. You are invited to attend PA meetings to help build a stronger community. Join the PA to:

                                                                                  • Become a class parent
                                                                                  • Provide support for families during difficult times
                                                                                  • Plan teacher appreciation events and acknowledgements
                                                                                  • Help out at special events including holiday celebrations
                                                                                  • Plan family and community events
                                                                                  • Join the social action committee


                                                                                  There are many ways for parents to get involved in our effort to help advance the school. Join us in sharing our school’s story and creating opportunities to engage parents, grandparents, alumni, alumni parents and friends of Senesh. 

                                                                                  The cost of educating a Hannah Senesh student is not covered in full by tuition. Approximately 85% of the school’s income comes from tuition and the other 15% needs to be raised. The school depends on fundraising efforts to retain our excellent staff, sustain our commitment to diversity, enhance our school program, and ensure we are keeping our community safe and healthy.  We hope that parents, alumni families, grandparents, extended family members, and friends will participate in Senesh fundraising activities, which will ensure our growth as a unique Jewish educational community. Email Director of Development Karen Stein kstein@hannahsenesh.org to get involved.

                                                                                  You can also help expand our community by becoming an admissions ambassador and attend events to engage prospective parents, make outreach calls, or become a buddy family and help welcome new families to the school. Contact Director of Admissions Annette Powers at apowers@hannahsenesh.org.

                                                                                  ADDITIONAL GUIDELINES AND POLICIES

                                                                                  Dress Code

                                                                                  The way students dress contributes to the classroom tone and school culture, and can impact the ability to have a positive learning environment. We expect children to come to school dressed appropriately for work, play, and study.

                                                                                  • Students must wear comfortable shoes for physical activity
                                                                                  • For safety reasons, sneakers with wheels are not permitted in school
                                                                                  • Shoes should be worn that allow for comfortable and safe travel in and outside of the school building
                                                                                  • Messages written on clothing should be appropriate for a school-age population and respect the values of our community
                                                                                  • Please label all outer clothing to ensure that lost items are returned to the owner.  Kindergarten and first grade students should have a labeled change of clothes for emergency use, packed in a shoebox and kept at school. 
                                                                                  • Undergarments and private areas may not be exposed

                                                                                  In the event a child is not following the dress guidelines, the student will be asked to change in accordance with the code.

                                                                                  Phone Calls

                                                                                  Students may not receive phone calls in the school office and the office staff is not able to leave the office to deliver messages to students, except in an emergency. 

                                                                                  Student use of cell phones is not permitted during school hours. In middle school, cell phones are collected at the start of the school day and returned at dismissal. Students can call home from the main office or division director’s office. 

                                                                                  Lost and Found

                                                                                  Due to school protocols during COVID-19, students will remain in one classroom for the duration of the day, except during their designated outdoor time. Lost items are likely to be in the child’s classroom. If a parent has a concern of a missing item, please have your child check their classroom and then email the teacher if an item is still not found.

                                                                                  Gift Policy

                                                                                  The PA collects funds from families and coordinates collective gifts for all school personnel, which are distributed twice a year, at Hanukkah and at the end of school. Additionally, the PA provides special and gifts of appreciation during staff appreciation week and at other points during the year. Senesh requests that any individual expressions of appreciation be limited to student-made cards or personal notes.

                                                                                  Birthday Parties

                                                                                  • Class Parties: There will be no food shared at in-school celebrations this year due to COVID-19.
                                                                                  • Outside of School: We ask you to be sensitive to the religious practices and dietary restrictions of all who are invited to events outside of school. Parents are asked not to schedule any school gathering virtual or otherwise on or close to Shabbat or Jewish holidays, so as not to exclude children from the class whose families observe those holidays. Please provide kosher food so all children can be included in the celebration and be sure to check with other parents regarding food allergies. When scheduling a party, please be aware of school events by checking the Hannah Senesh calendar to prevent conflicts. While we recognize the child’s and family’s right to choose who is invited to a party, we hope that in making the list of those to invite you will be as inclusive as possible. In a small school, feelings can be easily hurt; some options are to invite the entire class, or just a small group of students. Excluding just a few students can cause hurt feelings.

                                                                                  Fees and Contracts

                                                                                    An enrollment contract, tuition schedule, and scholarship fund pledge form are sent to parents after the winter vacation, and are due back at the end of January. A student is officially enrolled when this signed contract and the registration fee have been returned. Tuition payment options are listed on the contract. 

                                                                                    The scholarship fund contribution supports economic diversity at Senesh and will be acknowledged as a charitable donation to the school.

                                                                                    In the event that a family’s account goes into default, the parents or guardians will be notified by certified mail of the default. The family must either pay the remainder of the school fees that are due or approach the Senesh office to discuss their present situation. The Business Manager will work with parents to revise their payment schedule. If no agreement can be worked out, dismissal from the school may be necessary. Final student progress reports will not be released until all financial obligations are fulfilled for the school year. No student will be admitted to class in September if there remains any prior balance or if the enrollment contract is not on file.

                                                                                    After the signing of enrollment contracts, the parents’ obligation to pay the fees for the year is unconditional, notwithstanding the absence, withdrawal, or suspended enrollment of the child.

                                                                                    When a student transfers from the school, a written statement is required from the parents giving the school permission to forward student records. This statement should inform the school administration of the child’s final day of school. Transcripts, report cards, and other student records are not sent to the new school until financial obligations are satisfied.

                                                                                    For further information regarding business matters, please contact Business Manager Shai Carmel at scarmel@hannahsenesh.org.

                                                                                    Contact Information

                                                                                      To email any member of the school staff, use the following formula: First initial of the staff member’s name, followed by his/her last name, @hannahsenesh.org. (i.e. to email Nicole Nash, the correct email address is: nnash@hannahsenesh.org). Staff will make every effort to respond within 24 hours. All email addresses can be found on the Faculty page of our website.


                                                                                      Prepare Your Children for the Fall

                                                                                      Together we will support our children. Please review all the material in this booklet so you can prepare your children for what to expect. Below are some phrases to use when you speak with younger children. Please adapt as it makes sense for your child.

                                                                                      Suggested Script for Talking to Children

                                                                                      We are so excited to go back to school! School is going to be a bit different than before, but you will still have lots of fun and learn with your teachers and friends.

                                                                                      Keeping Us Healthy

                                                                                        • The school is working with doctors and is following government guidelines to make sure school is a safe place for all students and teachers.
                                                                                        • To ensure our school is a healthy place, even if we have the sniffles, we will stay home. 
                                                                                        • We want to stay healthy, so we will be extra careful and wash or sanitize our hands many times throughout the day.
                                                                                        • We will always take care of you and keep you safe.


                                                                                        • In order to keep everyone at school healthy, all kids and teachers will wear masks in school.
                                                                                        • We will get several masks so you always have a clean one. We can even buy a special one that you pick out.
                                                                                        • You will not wear a mask when you eat or drink.

                                                                                      Arrival and Dismissal

                                                                                        • Just so the building doesn’t get too crowded, every grade will start and end school at different times and enter and exit from different doors.
                                                                                        • Parents will say good-bye at specific spots outside the school building.
                                                                                        • School staff will ask students questions about how they are feeling  every morning so that anyone who is sick can go home and get better soon and come back to school.

                                                                                      Classroom Learning Time

                                                                                        • Students will move classrooms for different subjects like in pre-covid times; including using the gym, beit midrash, and art room.
                                                                                        • So we don’t spread germs, the water fountains won’t be used. All children will bring their own water bottle to school each day. 
                                                                                        • We may not meet in the gym for big group events yet, but we will still get to do them online.