(718) 858-8663

October 16th – 20th

Judaic Studies

This week the 7th grade completed our study of our unit on Mishna Yoma. To prepare for our end of unit quiz, students created amazing review activities for each other online — from Kahoots to Who Wants to Be A Millionaire to Pacman!

We also began our study of the book of Bmidbar/Numbers. Students looked at the first 3 verses: God commands Moshe and Aharon to count all the men who are over 20 and capable of fighting. But surely God is capable of saying how many of those men there are — this seems like unnecessary labor! The 7th graders explored this question through writing, discussion, and the commentaries of Rashi, Rashbam, and Sforno. Ask your child what he/she thinks: what was the point of the census?

Shabbat shalom,



The 7th Grade STEAM project has left the train station and heading to a magical world of custom creations. Students in partners have used their blueprints created in art class as a guide in the construction of their own Rube Goldberg devices. The passion and excitement has made everyone think creatively and apply the design process to their projects. Next week they will improve and iterate their designs.

Mike Noll and Samantha Butwin

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The seventh graders completed their second unit on Real Numbers, where they worked with positive and negative numbers. 7X will be taking their unit two test this coming Tuesday. 7Y completed their unit two test and started unit three, introduction to algebra. It is a short unit that 7Y has their next test scheduled to coming Friday, October 27th.


Students have finished reading Julius Caesar, and they are moving on to analyzing it through a variety of lenses. I’m really excited to move through the writing process with them and see their points of view on each topic. We’ll also be working on a Julius Caesar Film Festival, where each student will pair a passage from the text with a song, poem, or work of art.

We are moving to week 6 of our vocabulary study! Students wrote a short, in-class essay during history, and I was impressed and excited to see many of our words being used in context!


This week the seventh graders moved on to the second part of our unit which is about places in Israel. In class, students learned about Kibbutzim, Moshavim, and the city’s in Israel and their different lifestyles. the students did research about a variety of locations in Israel and wrote short paragraphs about them using a list of adjectives that was assigned to them.

Hebrew Heritage

,הורים יקרים

במהלך החודש דנו בשאלה האם יש אוכל ישראלי? האם ישנם מאכלים ייחודים למטבח הישראלי? ישראל כאמור נוצרה מעלייתם של יהודים מעדות שונות שהביאו עמם מאכלים .מסורתיים להם אשר השתלבו במטבח הישראלי. במהלך היחידה נחשפו התלמידים לסוגי מאכלי העדות ועשו פעילות עם השינשינים בו הרכיבו מנה מסורתית עיראקית

השבוע עבדנו על פרוייקט סיום היחידה, בה כל תלמיד בחר במאכל עדתי שהוא טעם (במסגרת משפחתית) או היה רוצה להתנסות. התלמידים ערכו מחקר אודותיו במחשב .באתרים בעברית ולאחריו וכתבו מספר פסקאות

בשבוע הבא התלמידים יציגו בפני הכיתה את עבודתם. אתם מוזמנים לשאול את ילדיכם על מה הם כתבו, ומדוע בחרו דווקא במאכל הזה

,סוף שבוע טוב
