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May 9th: blog from Sam and Isaac

Thursday’s bloggers are Sam and Isaac:

After a fun night out dancing and singing for Yom Ha’atzmaut in Rabin Square, we woke up exceptionally late at 8:30 this morning which was really nice. It gave us plenty of energy for the days ahead of us and a peaceful start to our jam-packed day. We began with breakfast at the hotel followed by our daily tefillah. After that we took a brief bus ride to the beach where we relaxed and swam. While we swam, there was an air show to celebrate Israel’s birthday. After about an hour and a half of therapeutic relaxation, we walked down the beach to take a fun surfing lesson. Everyone came out with an amazing experience after catching massive waves on the beach. After that, we met up with our old Hebrew teacher, Yehuda, and walked to the bus. We went back to the hotel to shower and relax before heading out to the mall for a few hours. Many of us had a chance to visit with friends and relatives at the mall and those who didn’t have visitors split into groups of four and explored the mall while fine dining on many different types of cuisine. Overall, we had a great day filled with plenty of fun and adventure.

Sam and Isaac