(718) 858-8663

May 7 – May 11


Seventh graders spent the week reviewing for the upcoming ERB. Please remind your child to bring a calculator on Wednesday, May 16th for Math Part II. After the ERB, the classes will resume and learn unit materials: 7X on Volumes and Surface Areas of Solids (unit 13) and 7Y on Probability of Simple Events (unit 16). 4th progress report of the second semester was sent with your child today and it should be signed and returned by no later than Thursday, May 17th. All current incomplete corrections or missing assignments for the second semester should be turned in no later than Tuesday, May 22nd.

Have a wonderful weekend!


Students continued reading Fahrenheit 451. I loved talking about the book with students, as well as analyzing passages in detail. Students thought about the role of alienation in the book and what could contribute to feelings of alienation and the act of alienation in a society. In writing, students worked on the online version of Wordly Wise and continued Quill.org exercises. In history, students continued their individual research into their chosen topic for the Renaissance.

Judaic Studies

7th graders learned a braitha from Rabbi Meir (Babylonian Talmud, Masechet Chullin). Rabbi Meir says you are not allowed to invite someone to dinner if you know they can’t come, or offer them an expensive item you know they won’t accept. Why would that be? Ask your 7th grader!

Shabbat shalom,



Students this week started to explore a new renewable energy source. They discovered how the power of the sun can be converted into energy. We started this project by going outside and working with solar panels. When attached to motors they were allowed to place different objects on them in order for them to spin. Their excitement was infectious as they saw the magic of sun produce the power needed to spin their strings. Next week within groups they will design and build small solar car models. We are excited to learn how to harness solar power by making these cars race each other at the end of the project.

Mike Noll
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Hebrew Heritage

הורים יקרים,

השבוע המשכנו בלימוד זמן עתיד תוך כדי הטיית פעלים וכתיבת משפטים. התלמידים נבחנו על אוצר המילים שלמדנו ביחידה ובנוסף, השינשינים הגיעו אלינו וערכו פעילות מהנה תוך הכנת כדורי שוקולוד.

סוף שבוע טוב,


This week in Hebrew the seventh graders continued their language unit. We began the week by learning about New Hebrew words that the academy for the Hebrew language invented. These words included the Hebrew equivalence of intercom, humus, brunch, and many others. Then we learned about language families and where different languages are from. We continued the week by studying why Hebrew is read and written from right to left and English from left to right. Later in the week we learned about Liron Lavi who created a mix between Hebrew and Arabic alphabet for so both Arabic speakers and Hebrew speakers can read one word and understand it.