(718) 858-8663

May 24, 2019


It has been a very busy and stressful few weeks for the 7th grade as they spent most of their time prepping for the ERBs. Lag Ba’Omer on Thursday was a great way to relax after the test and before getting back to learning math for the last few weeks of school. We’re going to focus on math concepts that are essential for the 8th grade such as Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences and Slopes of Linear Equations. Hang in there, 7th grade; summer is around the corner!


Hebrew J

We had “who needs what” conversations between the children. The class took the ERB test this week.


Hebrew K

We watched an Israeli movie and we had a class discussion about the movie. The class took the ERB test this week.


Judaic Studies

7th graders finished learning and discussing the first mishna of The Mishna. We created our own examples of Gemara, as we debated and tried to understand the rabbinic arguments in the Mishna.

We are now in our final unit of the year: Chapter 13 of Bmidbar/Numbers. What is self-confidence? How do you get it? What happens when you don’t have it? What happens when we compare ourselves to other people? As we study the story of Bnai Yisrael preparing to enter the land of Israel, we will struggle with these questions.


There are so many moments over the past two weeks that I’ve been proud of my students! We prepared for the ERBs, we celebrated our work, we continued research into our Renaissance topics. We began reading Fahrenheit 451, and we revised a personal narrative writing assignment. We visited The Jewish Museum, where students were asked to reflect upon what it means to memorialize something. Finally, during Lag B’Omer 7th grade students were a great example to others, showing school spirit and enthusiasm for the day. Have a wonderful and relaxing Memorial Day Weekend!



Students these past few weeks have been working on designing and building renewable energy turbines. Students had to design a device that would harness the power of moving water. They build machines that spinned in order to create power. Later students started to explore the power of wind. They designed fan blades that would allow the turbine to spin efficiently. As we finish this school year, students will explore the final renewable energy source which is the sun. They will be working with solar panels in order to design a solar car. We are excited for these final weeks of science and continue to learn with hands on projects.