(718) 858-8663

March 5

General Studies with Dawn

Fourth Graders have been busy and very engaged with the Revolutionary War, decimals, and our service project at the Brooklyn Autism Center. Read on to learn more!

Once again writing and social studies are integrated as each student is writing a report about the Revolutionary War. Each report has four sections. The first section is an overview of the war, the second section is about an important person or event in the war or leading up to the war, the third section zooms in on an aspect of that person or event, and the last section explains why the person or event was important to the war.

In math we have started a unit on decimals. As of today we have looked at tenths and especially how decimals and fractions are related. Moving ahead we will be doing work with hundredths and adding and subtracting decimals.  Looking at money is a good way to support this study at home.  For example, $2.25 could be seen as two wholes (dollars) and twenty- five hundredths (pennies).

Today we had our first visit to the Brooklyn Autism Center to begin our social action project. After we read a book and an article about autism, two teachers from the center came and talked with students about the condition and the center. The green group went today. They participated in several different activities and started to get to know these new friends. The goal is to demystify autism and appreciate the similarities and differences between Hannah Senesh children and the children at the Brooklyn Autism Center.




Hebrew with Rimma and Tomer

We were engaged in the activities about food, restaurants and cooking.

Students created their own menus and role played as a waiter/waitress and the customer.

We enriched our vocabulary about different types of food, watched how to prepare chocolate balls and discussed what people eat for different holidays in Israel and different countries.

It was fun !!!


Judaic Studies with Ariana

We have been learning all about Purim.

We reviewed facts about the story and the characters of Megillat Esther.

We also reviewed the 4 mitzvot one is supposed to perform in Purim and we discussed how we will perform them during the Senesh Purim festivities.

4th grade will be leading the song “Shoshanat Yaakov” after communal Megillah reading. We have been learning the lyrics and practicing as well.

In honor of Purim, we are currently learning about the life, customs and history of Persian jews.

We were fascinated by their art, music and rich history.

We are also learning about Purim customs around the world.

We learned about the different Purim traditions that exist in jewish communities in France, Algeria,Egypt and Uzbekistan.