(718) 858-8663

Kindergarten Newsletter

Dear Kindergarten parents הורים יקרים,

This week in Hebrew class, the students continued to learn about winter. Last week, they learned how to say “I wear,” and now they are able complete the sentence with the item of clothing that they wear in winter such as gloves, a shirt, or pants. In addition, the students can now describe the color of what they are wearing. We also read the book ״המטריה גדולה של אבא״. The kids also enjoyed having the Shinshinim in class.
In Judaic studies, we studied the fifth day of creation and how God created animals. The students went around the room and said which animal they love and why they love that animal.
Jacket מעיל
Pants מכנסיים
Shirt חולצה
Dress שמלה
Gloves כפפות
Hat כובע
Shabbat Shalom,
The K Team