(718) 858-8663

Kindergarten Newsletter

Dear Kindergarten parents הורים יקרים,

This week in Hebrew class, the students learned how to say the phrases “this is mine” and “this is not mine.” In response to my questions, the students answered if something is theirs. In addition, they are now familiar with emotions. When I ask the students how they are feeling, they are able to answer me with an emotion (sad, happy, etc). The students have learned additional body parts, such as fingers. We sang the song עשר אצבעות לי יש (I have 10 fingers).
This week the students had a great time with the Shinshinim during their Chanukah activity, where they decorated a torch!
In Judaic studies, we discussed Chanukah and the difference between candles. They learned the words chanukiah, and dreidel.
This is mine זה שלי
This is not mine זה לא שלי
Happy שמח
Sad עצוב
Dreidel סביבון
Shabbat Shalom,
Anat & Tal

We have so many lovely pictures from our hard work over the past                    two weeks! Enjoy!

Shabbat Shalom,

The K Team

****** Reminder – Wednesday, Dec 18 – Kindergarten-1st grade Hanukkah celebration, 8.30-9.30

Students are performing at 8:30 – Please bring them to school by 8:15.

Labeling a show and tell item

Drawing our diverse families!

Sketching our objects

Reconstructing our ABC charts

Guided Reading

Big Books

Show and Tell

Comparing ABC charts

Choo Choo Train Math!