(718) 858-8663

Kindergarten Hebrew Studies

Dear Kindergarten parents הורים יקרים,

We are so excited to welcome your children back to school this week after a relaxing winter break. We spent a long time talking about what we did and where we went. We asked questions about the places we visited, including if we were somewhere warm חם or cold קר. We learned the word איפה, where, to help talk about the places we went.

The Shinshinim came to visit our classroom yesterday! They helped us with our next unit, parts of the body. We practiced identifying our heads, noses, hands, and legs. Then we traced our bodies on big sheets of paper and colored them in. Eran and Ofir taught us a new song about bodies too.

In Yahadut we read Sammy Spider’s First Tu Bishvat to get us thinking about seasons and the cycle of the trees. Over the next two weeks we will continue to learn about Tu Bishvat. We will focus on the question: What do trees give us? In Yahadut we will practice sorting between brachot blessings of Boreh Pri ha Etz בורא פרי העץ and Boreh Pri ha Adamah בורא פרי האדמה to get us thinking about where things grow.

Shabbat Shalom!

Margaret and Tal

ראש head
אף nose
יד/ידיים hand/hands
רגל/רגליים leg/legs
בטן stomach
גב back