(718) 858-8663

Kindergarten General Studies

It was a wonderful week in Kindergarten, highlighted by a full day of activities on Purim.  We heard the Purim story, participated in a parade, went to a carnival, decorated and exchanged bags with our buddies, and heard about a sixth grade service project.
Other highlights included beginning to revise our information books, look at patterns in math ,  look a vowel sounds (focusing on short i)  and hearing some stories about kindness.  One book we read was about Community Help in Park Slope, an organization on Fourth Avenue and Sacket that serves lunch to over 200 hungry people from Monday to Saturday each week.  The book told of the many people it takes to serve the lunch. On Purim we decorated bags for the soup kitchen and filled them with treats, including Hamentashen made by the Kindergartners.
Wishing you a relaxing weekend.  Sounds like the weather will be nice!
Liz and Dawn