(718) 858-8663

January 18, 2019


In ELA, students have been working diligently on a theme project for Beowulf: A New Telling. Students needed to identify a theme and then find three passages in the book that demonstrate that theme! Students could identify their own or choose from a list brainstormed by both classes:

  • the role of loyalty and generosity in successful societies
  • envy and jealousy of others
  • to conquer evil, one must acknowledge it within the self
  • identity is complex and multi-dimensional
  • creativity in battle is an asset
  • appearance is not indicative of internal characteristics

I have loved seeing their posters with text evidence!

In social studies, students have been completing research on the Arabian Peninsula, and the impact of the spread of Islam on the region, socially and politically. Students have also started a new vocabulary unit and a new Independent Reading assignment. Our “latin phrases” for weeks 1 and 2 were: Praemonitus, Praemunitus and E Pluribus Unum.


Judaic Studies

The 7th graders have been engaging in deep and insightful text-based discussions about Chapter 11 of the book of Numbers. In groups of four, students were asked to nominate a word or phrase from the chapter that they feel captures a key theme; there were some lively debates! Candidates included:

Ilan: תאוה/desire: a major theme of the chapter is how to handle desire — should we try to rid ourselves of desire? Is it the root of all suffering?

Zephyr: בכה/crying: a major theme of the chapter is suffering. All the characters are suffering. but only Bnai Yisrael cry. They can’t put their suffering into words – the trauma of slavery is behind everything they do, but their PTSD prevents them from talking about it directly.

Abigail: משא/burden: a major theme of the chapter is burdens and loneliness. How can we carry the burdens we have been given? Why do we (like Moshe) feel alone with our burdens, even though we aren’t?

This is in preparation for beginning work on our final projects. Students will be asked to develop their own final project, including creating their own rubric/criteria for success. I look forward to seeing the results!

Shabbat shalom,




The 7th grade is still working on the mastery of linear expressions and equations. 7X has a test next Thursday on combining like terms, the distributive property, and factoring linear expressions while 7Y has a test next Wednesday on simplifying algebraic expressions and setting up and solving linear equations in one variable. After the tests, 7X will have their turn in the world of algebraic equations while 7Y will be moving onto inequalities. Either way, mastering algebra is still the name of the game but statistics and geometry are right around the corner!


Hebrew J

This week we continued to review on the possessive yesh/ein in past tense using all pronouns. We used every day conversations to review the topic.Students were requested to write conversations as well to  strengthen writing skills.

Hebrew K

This week we focused on the topic of the “Tzabar” Israeli. We talked about traits and characteristics. Te goal is to continue and expend our narratives verbally and in writing.

Hebrew Heritage

להורים יקרים,
השבוע עבדנו על יחידת הגירה בלתי חוקית מנקודת מבט של ילדי מהגרים. התלמידים הביעו עניין בנושא וערכו דיונים סביב שאלות מרכזיות הקשורות בזכויות הילד. כמו כן, התלמידים קיבלו אוצר מילים של היחידה והיום עשו בוחן בנושא.
סוף שבוע נעים,