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First Week of Second Grade!

Community Building


What a wonderful beginning to second grade we’ve had! In the first week of school we began building our classroom community through playing games to learn more about each other, practicing new routines, and discussions about how to make our classroom a place where everyone can learn their best. We played “our favorites” game, where we learned each other’s favorite ice cream flavor, hobbies, and more. We played a team building game where in small groups students had an elastic band with pieces of strings attached to it. The objective of the game was to stack cups using on the strings and elastic- no hands on the cups allowed! Following this activity we discussed how we needed to work together to build the cup tower and compromise, as well as listen to each other’s ideas.

With a new grade comes new routines! With the help of our new charts we practiced three new routines: how we walk in the hallways, how we have snack time, and what we can and cannot do during dismissal. By the end of the week the class looked like pros as they followed each step of each routine on their own.

In beginning the year we are establishing ownership and a sense of responsibility over the classroom as well as developing the classroom community. We worked together to make create a job chart, and wrote about how each job will help our community and what the responsibilities of each job entails. In both the General Studies and Hebrew room we role played what these jobs look like, how we can help each other with these jobs, and how to work together so that everyone can do their jobs successfully. Ask your child what their job will be next week!

In the pictures below you can see the web we created as we shared all of our hopes and dreams for the new school year. Second graders shared that they hope to be kinder to their friends, learn the multiplication tables, speak more Hebrew, and try new science experiments. We then cut the web and made hope and dreams bracelet to remind ourselves to always work towards our goals.

Ask your child what their hope and dream is for the school year- then create one for at home!


Scenes from Second Grade

Second graders do dance from Siddur Ceremony at Tefillah. Such joyful prayers!

Galia leads a Hebrew counting energizer. Students had opportunities to lead energizers this week for their classmates.

School counselor, Carolyn, leads a talk during snack time about how to talk nicely with table mates during snack and lunch. We also talked with Carolyn about how to include others at recess.

Bryce shows his locker card with his Hebrew and English name. Second graders are so excited about their grown up lockers!

Friends reunited! Aviv joined the class on Thursday after returning from Israel. She was so excited to see her friends and show off the kippah she got on her trip.

Hebrew Puzzle!

Opening Tekes (Assembly)

Practicing pouring grape juice for Kabbalat Shabbat

In second grade students help set up Kabbalat Shabbat