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First Week in Fourth Grade

Fourth Grade General Studies

It has been a wonderful first three days of school.  We have spent time getting to know each other, including the ways that we are similar and different. For example, while many of us have siblings, like sports, and live in Brooklyn, only a few of us went to sleep away camp or can wiggle our ears. And only one of us lives in Manhattan, has a pet bird named Yasha, or has three children!

We have also spent time setting up the classroom, including sewing pillow covers, making labels, and filling out the September calendar.  As a reward each group had a special snack of homemade (well, school made) salsa and chips. 

We have begun Reading, Writing, and Math, and will have our first Social Studies lesson next week. Our new read aloud book is The Misadventures of the Family Fletcher.  Ask your child what they have learned about this funny and very appealing family. 

We have even already solved a problem!  Children were disappointed to hear of a certain rule about recess.  Three of them wrote letters to Shelley, and a compromise was reached that was satisfying to all. The fact that you can often take action to solve a problem was perhaps the best lesson of the week!

The first week back to school after a long summer is a big adjustment. You can help your child by being sure they get a good night’s sleep and have some breakfast before they come to school.  As homework begins, establishing a routine with them around homework will be very helpful. 

Looking forward to a wonderful year together


Judaic Studies

We have been learning a lot in our Judaic Studies classroom this week.
We have been reviewing “Gematria”, the numerical value of each Hebrew letter.
We worked in teams also searching for words navigating the Chumash. We collaborated and helped each other find the answers.
We practiced how to find a “Sefer”(book), perek (chapter) and pasuk (verse).
We attended our first communal Tefillah with the 5th graders. It’s was truly special to watch everyone pray together.
What an incredible first week of Hebrew in 4th grade!

This week, as it was our first week back, we focused on the topic of introduction and reviewed the thematic unit “Me and my school environment”. The goal of this week was to become more comfortable in speaking, to have fun in Hebrew and to review past learned vocabulary. We played games and drew pictures as they follow instructions. These activities focused on following or giving directions. It allowed students to follow instructions, pay attention to details, and improve verbal skills when they needed to describe what they drew. We truly enjoyed hearing them speaking and it created a good basis for developing further verbal skills

We wish you Shabbat shalom and we are looking forward to seeing everyone at back-to-School Night on September 16th.


All the best, 

Tomer and Rimma