(718) 858-8663

First Grade

We had a wonderful last week of first grade! We wrapped up units, reflected on the year, and had fun enjoying each other’s company. Check out the pictures from our water day below!


In Math we wrapped up our unit on money with a Parfait Cafe! First graders each had a pretend dollar to spend on toppings for a yogurt parfait. They had to add up the total and tell us how much change they should get.


In Writing Workshop, we reflected on all the different genres of writing we learned this year: small moment stories, opinion writing, teaching books, realistic fiction series, poetry, and book reviews! First graders then had a chance to do some free writing and revisit the unit of their choosing.


In Reading, we had our reader’s theater performance. First graders used their acting skills to put on short plays for their classmates.


We reflected on the year as a whole by sharing all of the things we loved about first grade. We revisited an activity from the first day of school by making a love web!


Shabbat Shalom and have a great summer!

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