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First Grade News – Happy Summer!

Hello Families,

Our 1st graders (now 2nd graders!) spent the last couple of weeks celebrating all of their hard work!

We enjoyed having our Shuk “Israeli marketplace” where kids bought many types of fruits and vegetables from their friends for different amounts of shekalim. They really enjoyed making change!

In Social Studies we revisited maps. We have explored a wide variety of maps and practiced how to follow cardinal directions to locate symbols and places. We also planned and created maps of our own! Then, we studied different types of communities, observed our school neighborhood, interviewed some community helpers, and discussed the needs and wants of a community.  Finally, we took all we learned about communities and mapping and built locations to create our 3D Neighborhood. First, the partners chose a location that we need for our neighborhood. Then they sketched and wrote a plan and presented it to the neighborhood board who asked questions. Then we built our neighborhood out of recycled materials and played with it!


Liz, Ilana, and Talia