(718) 858-8663

First Grade News

Hello Families,

In Hebrew, we learned the letter kof and what sound she makes when we add the “Ah” sound. Then we practiced our reading, and we were able to read and write lots of words with the letters that we have learned so far like; kar (cold), barak (lightning) and kam (waking up for a boy). We added more words to our word wall like: keshet (rainbow), koubiya (dice) and kasdah (helmet).

In parasha (the weekly Torah portion), we continued to learn about the story of bereshit (creation), focusing on what God created on each day of the week. We continued to work on our special project where we each made our own books about Beriat Haolam (the creation of the world). The first graders did a beautiful job!

This week in science we started to learn about the water cycle! We learned that there are four stages in this particular cycle. Ask you special scientist if they remember one of them—collection, evaporation, condensation, and precipitation.

* Gentle reminder to bring in a medium glass jar with a lid for Monday’s science experiment.

During writing workshop this week, we learned how to tell a story to a partner and ask questions about our partner’s stories to make are stories even better. We also practiced reading our stories the way we read a book.  We read each word carefully and used our special green flair pens to fix what does not make sense, add on, and make it even better!

In reading workshop, we practiced smoothing out our reading voice.  We read a new sentence with tricky words in a slow bumpy way.  Then after we figured out the words, we reread the sentence with a smooth voice until it sound like we are talking to a friend.

Shabbat Shalom,

The First Grade Team