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First Grade News

We went on our neighborhood scavenger hunt. First graders explored our school’s neighborhood by looking for community helpers, neighborhood needs, and neighborhood wants. See below for pictures from the scavenger hunt.


In math, we continued to learn about subtraction. We practiced counting up from the smaller number. We also applied our knowledge about addition and subtraction to real world word problems. We also learned two new math games: “ninja math” and “roll and record”.


We finished our small moment (personal narrative) stories. First graders celebrated their accomplishments with a mini publishing party! In small groups, we read our stories to one another. We also started our new opinion writing unit. We’ve started to learn how to use our writing to convince our reader. We’ve learned to state our opinion, add details, and use examples.


First graders continued to learn about feelings. We discussed how we can all feel differently in the same situations and made a class feelings book.


In Social Studies, we had a special guest- Isaiah’s mom, Sara. She shared her experiences interviewing people for her job. First graders then practiced interviewing each other.


In Hebrew, we learned the letter nun, nun sofit  and  dalet as well as the vowel chirik, which makes the “Ee” sound. The first graders were so proud to write full sentences in Hebrew for the first time using only the letters that we have learned so for. We also spoke about the life of Hannah Senesh and we learned one of her songs called “Eli, Eli “, which the first graders sang during the school tekes.


In Yahadut, we learned about the amidah prayer. We learned about the meaning of the prayer, when to bow, and how we stand. We talked about our forefathers (Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaakov) and our foremothers (Sarah, Rivkah, Rachel and Leah) and we added one more page to our siddurim. We also learned the first section of the amidah which is about giborim. We spoke about the meaning of the word gibor (hero) and the people in our lives that are giborim (heroes). We all agreed that our family members are our heroes!


Last week Parashah was Chayei Sarah.  This parasha is about finding a wife for Isaac.  We learned about how kind and giving Rebecca was and we thought about times when we did acts of chesed (acts of kindness) and acted like Rebecca. This week Parasha is Toldot, which is about Jacob receiving Isaac’s blessing. We talked about how these two brothers were very different from each other, but that they also had a few similarities. We had the opportunity to interview someone in our class and learn about our similarities and differences.