(718) 858-8663

February 11, 2021

7th grade has started our unit entitle Holocaust and Human Behavior. So far, students have engaged with the topics of identity, stereotypes, the consequences of groups, and antisemitism as we build a foundation for understanding the Holocaust. Students have also started reading the graphic biography of Anne Frank, whose diary we will start reading after the break.
The students have done an excellent job grappling with difficult ideas, concepts, and facts. I encourage parents to ask their children about what we are studying in class and discuss these topics together.
Dear parents,
These past few weeks, we have been hard at work, focusing on practicing the new material in conversations.
In the regular track, we have continued studying new vocabulary and expressions in Hebrew that will allow students to lead basic conversations in Hebrew. We are now in Unit 11 of the book Ivrit Esre.
In the accelerated track, we have been leading various conversations related to the food we like to prepare and eat. The unit has culminated with the students recording themselves giving a recipe, preparing it, and reviewing another recipe.
I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable vacation!
להורים שלום,
בחודש האחרון עבדנו במרץ על היחידה ״זכויות הילד״, בחנו את הנושא מזוויות שונות ומתקופות שונות בהיסטוריה. הילדים נהנו לפתח את נושאי הדיון בכיתה ולהעלות שאלות רלוונטיות הנוגעות לזכויותיהם כיום. במקביל לקריאת טקסטים קצרים, צפייה בסרטים ודיונים שנערכו בכיתה, עבדנו על העשרת אוצר המילים, כתיבת תשובות מלאות תוך שימוש בהקלדה בעברית על מחשב.
מאחלת לכולכם חופשה מהנה עם ילדיכם,

After our successful Showbox Machine project before the break, students have started to discover environmental issues and biomes. Students selected five environmental issues and five inventions that can help resolve or reduce that issue. We then started to study the different biomes in the world. Students research biomes and used an interactive software to learn what plants and animals are in each biome. Then virtually they created their own diorama of  a biome and wrote a letter to their science teacher explaining what they observed in their biome.

This past week, students explored the topic of vaccines, and more specifically the Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson Covid-19 vaccines. Students learned about how vaccines functioned and the scientific process of their development. The class discussed their efficacy, their application, and the production of these vaccines. This was accomplished through a mini lesson and slideshow on these topics, followed by a game that students played in class that demonstrated how vaccines and inoculations work in real time. 



The 7th grade is currently in the midst of their Geometry unit. They learned about classifying and measuring angles, angle relationships, and how to find the circumference and area of circles. After the break, we will finish up the unit by exploring cross sections, volumes, and surface areas of three dimensional shapes. After that we are up to our last 7th grade unit, which is also probably the most fun; Probability!
