(718) 858-8663

February 1, 2019


In ELA, we’ve been diving into the rhetorical triangle – ethos, logos, and pathos. What are the mechanics used to persuade someone? How do we persuade someone in ethical ways? In the coming week, we’ll be researching a position and beginning to craft arguments that are well-researched and logical. We are in the midst of our second unit of vocabulary study, vacillating between Wordly Wise words and Greek and Latin roots. The most recent roots you should look out for are:

  • Ars, Artis (art)
  • Aoide (song)
  • Canto/Cantare (to sing)
  • Pingo/Pingere/Pinxi/Pictum (to paint, to embroider)

In social studies, we are making presentations about modern Islamic figures both in America and in the world. I’ve loved seeing students’ creativity and helping them with their speaking skills!


Hebrew Heritage

להורים שלום,
השבוע המשכנו לשוחח על יחידת ההגירה אבל מההיבט של ילדים בלתי חוקיים. במסגרת זאת אנו ממשיכים לצפות בסרט הישראלי “נודל” שמתוכו עולים סוגיות שונות.
בנוסף לזה הגיעו אלינו השינשינים לפעילות סביב המשחק סיכון.
סוף שבוע טוב,
Recently, some of our 7th graders put their knowledge of combining like terms to artistical use. They simplified algebraic expressions and used the solutions to color in a color-coded geometric picture. 
Judaic Studies
7th graders completed their final projects for Chapter 11 of Bmidbar. Projects included depicting the chapter as a children’s book; a reality TV show; a mini golf course; a fashion line with different outfits; and through midrashim. The creativity and depth of understanding was wonderful!
We are now in the midst of a new unit — understanding the history and beliefs of the different denominations of Judaism. Our overall question: if there are so many different denominations, does that mean one is correct and the others are wrong?
Shabbat shalom!
Photos from helping to prep food for Tu Bishvat:
And we visited with our 3rd grade buddies!
We acted out parts of Torah in class!


These past few weeks students have been exploring the power of water. We conducted rotation activities in order to explore the different properties of water. Students stuck materials to walls using the adhesion property, while other students used a balloon to magical move a stream of water using the polarity property. Later in the week student conducted their own demonstration in order to discovery how the hydrosphere on earth is balanced in different locations. They quickly realized that only 3% of the water is fresh. They compared their prediction model to the actual percentages in order to discover differences. Next we started exploring the concept of the water cycle. Student created a small model of the water cycle using hot plates beakers and a bowl of ice. Soon they created rain in their own small water cycle model. In the coming weeks we will continue to explore water and focus on water pollution and methods of detection and cleaning.