(718) 858-8663

December 10, 2020

7th grade is finishing out the semester in a strong way. The students finished our unit on slavery by analyzing primary and secondary sources and responding thoughtfully to the documents.
Students continue working hard on their analytical Animal Farm essays as well as their independent reading projects. The students have earned a break–which they will hopefully spend with a good new book!
Dear Parents,
Over the last few weeks, we have been really settling into our learning routine.
Our Accelerated group has been learning how to present their rooms, how to describe their schedule using exact times.
The Regular Track has been learning how to present themselves and lead a conversation about people’s professions.
I wish everyone to stay well,
להורים שלום,
התחלנו לעבוד על יחידה חדשה בשם ״זכויות הילד״ בה הילדים דנים בשאלות, מהי זכות? מתי הוכרו הילדים כזכאים לזכויות? מה צריכה אמנת זכויות הילד להכיל, ועוד. התלמידים ידנו בנושא ויקראו מאמרים, כמו כן נשוחח על יאנוש קורצ’אק ותפיסתו החינוכית הייחודית ועל מצבם של ילדים בעולם. בפגישתנו בזום התחלנו לעבוד על זמן עתיד, הבנת הכללים הדקדוקיים וכתיבת משפטים.
שבת שלום,

Science has been working extremely hard creating our Shoebox Motion Machines. We have been flexible during schedule changes and the building process delays. Students are now finishing up these machines in order to showcase them on Monday, December 14 at 1pm. Check out the event email that has the zoom link for this showcase. Everyone built on their gained knowledge of simple machines and engineering techniques in order to successfully complete this project. 



The 7th grade has spent the last few weeks mastering equations and inequalities. Whether doing it through tasks on Mathspace, supplemental work on Khan Academy, or battling monsters by solving math problems on Prodigy, they have been hard at work! Next unit coming up is Ratios & Proportions!


7th graders recently began studying the 11th chapter of the book of Bmidbar/Numbers. Our Big Idea for this very eventful chapter is “Behavior is Contagious.” We are noticing how the characters in the text “catch” each other’s moods and emotions, and reflecting on moments where that happens to us in our own lives. Next up: an investigation into why Bnai Yisrael/the Israelites are complaining about mannah, the magical food that God sustains them with in the wilderness. What bothers them about it?
Shabbat shalom and Hanukah sameach!