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Second Grade 2017 – 2018 Blog

MLK Tekes and Tzitzit

Community: Switching Groups and A Visit from Two Friends: Old and New Today at Kabbalat Shabbat we reflected on this past week which was our first full week in a long time, and our first week with new groups. Students were asked to say something nice from this week, or a challenge or a compliment. Sam said he was happy to be in a new group where he could work with new kids, like Zelig. Matan complimented the teachers that they made good groups. Rohan and Allie both said that they enjoyed math this week. All students participated in the...
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Welcome 2018!

Community Building In Morning Meeting we began “share”, where a second grader gets chosen to bring in an item from home and share it with the group. We discussed using the 5 W question words “who, what, where, when, and why” to help guide our share and give us ideas about what information to share about the item. Second graders are practicing being respectful audience members and asking the sharer thoughtful questions. We are excited to learn more about each other and practice speaking and listening! Social Studies In preparation for the celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. day, we...
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Chocolate Fun and Social Action Trip

Writing In writing this week we let our imaginations soar! Second graders were given the choices of special stickers to use as main characters in their stories and were challenged to use the elements of a good story: a setting, characters, problem, and solution. Some of us created stories with a buddy, some of us worked independently, but it has been so fun being creative and deciding all the parts of our stories. Math In math we have been multiplying and dividing. We learned that multiplication numbers in a problem can be switched around (for example, 2×4 can also be...
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Chocolate Factory and Touring the North of Israel

Field Trip Preparations Most of our writing this week was spent preparing for our field trip to Cacao Prieto, a kosher chocolate factory in Red Hook, Brooklyn. We began the week by learning how to make chocolate, and took turns reading each slide in a slideshow. Check out the slideshow we created and learned from here. We practiced putting the steps in the correct order, and made illustrations to show what we learned. Then, we focused on the who of chocolate making, taking time to recognize each person and each job that is involved in making chocolate. We thought about...
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Growing Crystals, and Charades!

Hebrew Charades Every week in Hebrew we practice reading new vocabulary words from the board together. After, we reinforce the meaning of the words with a game of charades, before recording the words in our notebooks. In the pictures below you can see students acting out vocabulary words that start with the letter Shin. Try to guess what the students are acting out, or play a fun game of charades at home over Shabbat! Shin is for Shabbat We learned the letter Shin, the first letter of the word Shabbat. We talked and wrote about what we do in Kabbalat...
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Publishing Party Celebration and Preparing for Chanukkah

Science- Please read: Next week in science we would like to make crystals with the students.  They are very excited about the idea.  Please send a clean glass jar that is heat resistant to school with your child.  A jar that had food in it would be suitable such as: spaghetti sauce, pickles, jam, honey. Publishing Party  Thank you for attending the second grade publishing party! The joy and excitement from both students and parents was radiating throughout the room. We are all so proud of what the second graders have worked towards and accomplished so far this year. We...
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Social Action Trip and Thanksgiving

This week we were busy preparing for Thanksgiving! We read books about the history of Thanksgiving as well as a silly one about the lengths a turkey goes to in order to escape Thanksgiving dinner, called “Turkey Trouble” by Wendy Silvano. We prepared for our very first baking experiment of cornbread by discussing kitchen safety, hygiene, and expectations. Then, we had the opportunity to experience preparing for a Thanksgiving feast by cooking in the Hannah Senesh kitchen! Each student took a turn measuring, pouring and mixing our delicious cornbread. We worked together as a community to make something delicious! As...
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Preparing for Social Action Trip and Publishing Party

Community Building: Something nice you bring to the community is….” Today at the end of Kabbalat Shabbat, we talked about how our community is made up of all different people. Some of us have sisters and others have brothers, some have blonde hair and others have brown, some are girls and others are boys, and so on… After, we went around the circle and each person told their neighbor something nice they bring to the community. The students really impressed us with their thoughtful comments. Matan told Lev, “You bring friendship”. Josef told Allie, “You bring kindness”. Ask your child...
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Hannah Senesh Tekes

Yahadut: Honoring Hannah Senesh at School Tekes Second graders joined the rest of the school in honoring Hannah Senesh at a school assembly. We brought our Hebrew writing along with us to share. It is now hanging in the hallway. Ask your child what they wrote about Hannah in Hebrew.  Israel: Introducing “Sh’vil Yisra’el” Yaheli and Yuval visited our class and introduced us “Shvil Yisrael” the Israeli trail which runs from the north to south of Israel (kind of like Israel’s Appalachian trail). We split into groups with each group having to plan a packing list for a different area...
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Reading Groups, Writing Celebration and More!

Math This week in math we were regrouping machines! We regrouped in the ones, in the tens, and even in the hundreds. Some of us were challenged with numbers in the thousands! We reviewed the concept that if the sum of a number is more than 9, a two digit number, we must regroup. Next week we will be starting subtraction with regrouping. If you want to help your child get a head start, practice subtraction facts this weekend! Reading We had a big week in reading as we began our reading groups. Some groups worked on prefixes, idioms, and...
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