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2019-2020 School Year

Happy Hanukkah from the 8th Grade!

Humanities In humanities, we have been wrapping up our unit on Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. The students performed for the seniors at Ezra Project to rave reviews! One elder even gave it two thumbs up. 🙂  Meanwhile, students explored the nation’s founding document, The Declaration of Independence, and updated its language to include their own values. Here is an excerpt from an updated version, collaborated on by Dov and Sivan: We hold these truths to ubiquitous to all people and that we are all equal, that we have eternal rights, that among these are freedom, safety, and free health-care. —...
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December 20, 2019

Humanities In ELA, students have been reading Beowulf: A New Telling. They drew fantastic comics strips of interesting moments and practiced visualizing some of the scenes from the book as a strategy for effective independent reading. Then, students began analyzing the use of symbolism in the text. Students were asked to complete their second on-demand writing assignment for the year. To write consistently for 50 minutes, aiming for a cohesive five-paragraph essay, is quite a challenge! I’m so proud of all my students. We are continuing our vocabulary study of both Wordly Wise Grade 7 words and Greek and Latin...
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December 20 — Chag Sameach and a Happy New Year

Hebrew with Rimma and Tomer During the past two weeks we were working on our Hebrew play , memorizing lines, performing songs, dancing, learning vocabulary, practicing pronunciation, and most importantly gaining fluency and confidence. It enables us to express ourselves creatively and spontaneously in different ways, to share our ideas for dance movements, to add more creative lines in Hebrew and just to have fun. We learned and strengthened our connection to Israel through Classic songs and educational program that every child who grew up in Israel familiar with. We enjoyed acting and singing and it was a productive and...
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6th Grade News 12/9 – 12/20/19

Advisory:  This week in advisory, we participated in activities around the theme of self-control. We learned about the famous marshmallow experiment by watching this video, and then discussed how recognizing and controlling our impulses can help us become more successful both academically and socially. We also conducted our own experiment based off of the marshmallow one: Mike and I gave each student one hershey kiss at the beginning of class, and we told them that if they had enough control to not eat it throughout the whole class, then they could have more hershey kisses at the end of class....
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Week of December 16

General Studies with Dawn Colonial America has been the focus of the Social Studies for the last few weeks. Students have learned about the difficult travel from England to Jamestown and Plymouth and the challenging first year the settlers had in both places.  We have had a good time learning about some of the daily activities in the colonies such as knitting, baking (spice cookies), making and playing marbles, and making a ball and cup game. Gratitude has been the focus of the writing program. Over the last three weeks students have been responding to prompts about gratitude in a...
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Our Week in Fifth Grade- 12-20-19

Advisory The theme of advisory the last few weeks has been “kindness.” Each group worked together to define kindness. According to 5A, kindness is “being authentically nice, inclusive, and understanding while considering other’s feelings.” According to 5B, kindness is “the quality of being respectful, considerate, inclusive and helpful. Respecting others no matter their differences. Being nice, even if you aren’t friends. Being influenced by good Sympathizing, giving back Being nice to new people Then, the classes practiced giving and receiving compliments. Finally, the groups were put into teams and had to work together to crack the code on an Empathy...
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Kindergarten Newsletter

Hello Families, We really enjoyed spending time with you at our Hanukkah celebration! This past week, we culminated our 5 senses unit with an exploration of fruit!  In past lessons, we identified the 5 senses and body parts used to discover different senses. Then we came up with adjectives for each sense.  This week, we wrote and drew our observations of 5 different types of fruit.  Then we tasted many types of fruit together and recorded describing words of how they tasted.  After tasting, we figured out what our favorite fruit was and graphed the results. Pineapple won! We also...
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First Grade News

This week in first grade was full of getting to know new things within our community. We explored our neighborhood, and learned new subtraction strategies. Happy Birthday to Maxwell and Julie!  We are looking forward to our Chanukah celebration next week with all of you. In Reading this week we continued our work in digraphs and learned some blends.  For example, the word dragon starts with the blend dr and the word slide starts with the blend sl. In our small reading groups this week we continued writing about reading as we ask and answer questions about the books we...
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Kindergarten Newsletter

Dear Kindergarten parents הורים יקרים, This week in Hebrew class, the students learned how to say the phrases “this is mine” and “this is not mine.” In response to my questions, the students answered if something is theirs. In addition, they are now familiar with emotions. When I ask the students how they are feeling, they are able to answer me with an emotion (sad, happy, etc). The students have learned additional body parts, such as fingers. We sang the song עשר אצבעות לי יש (I have 10 fingers). This week the students had a great time with the Shinshinim...
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First Grade News

Dear first grade families, Welcome back from Thanksgiving break!  We hope you had a lovely time with the extra days off with your families.  We have been hearing about all the travels, food, and adventures your children have had! In Reading this week, we have been continuing our work in digraphs.  We learned the sounds for th, wh, ch, and sh.  We also have been starting to work on blends like tr for tree.  Students have learned that when the t and the h are together they make a particular sound and when it is in the beginning of the...
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