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Fifth Grade Blogger

What’s Happening in 5th- 12/11/20

Humanities: We look forward to presenting our latest work to you at our upcoming publishing event on December 17 at 1:00. The fifth graders have been hard at work researching one characteristic of civilization and how that characteristic manifested in Sumer. The students first took notes using a variety of sources and then reviewed their notes and organized them into categories that would translate to body paragraphs in a research essay. Next, they learned how to write an introductory paragraph by hooking the reader with interesting information and creating a thesis statement. Leading up to our publishing event, the students will continue to...
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What’s Happening in 5th 11-13-20

Humanities:  ELA: During our ELA classes, we have been focused on getting book clubs off and running. The class has been divided into groups of three or four with each group assigned a book to read and discuss together. The goal of these book clubs is to track character traits, actions, and motivations and to use that information to extrapolate themes from the book. So far, the clubs have met twice and have created a reading schedule that will allow them to finish their book by Thanksgiving. During book club meetings, the clubs discuss the reading from the prior week,...
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What’s Happening in 5th: 10/6/20

Humanities:  During our ELA classes, we have begun reading Home of the Brave as a mentor text for our first unit- analyzing themes. So far we have set reading goals for the year and talked extensively about the goal of writing about our reading. When we write about our reading, we are paying close attention to the characters, plot, setting, and repeating objects. We develop ideas about the book and then look for evidence to support our ideas. The goal is not just to speed through a book but rather to think deeply about it and gain insight as we read....
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Welcome to 5th Grade! 9-11-20

Welcome to 5th Grade! The 5th Grade Team is so excited to get to know your students this year! HUMANITIES:  Welcome to 5th Grade! My name is Sarah Fielkow and I will be your student’s Humanities teacher as well as a 5th grade advisor. Humanities includes ELA (English/Language Arts) and Social Studies. We will also touch on current events and the election. I am looking forward to getting to know each of your children and doing a ton of learning together. During Humanities we will be focusing on a reading a wide variety of texts, growing in both reading stamina...
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Our Week in Fifth Grade: 3-6-20

Advisory Over the past several weeks, the fifth graders have been visiting the Brooklyn Autism Center and spending time with BAC students. Our visits concluded last week and we could not be more proud of the fifth graders’ work there. They were incredibly kind, accepting, and thoughtful to their BAC buddies. You could see how excited the BAC students were each week to spend time with our students. The BAC staff was nothing but complimentary to the way that our students interacted with their students and made them feel like genuine friends. Kol Hakavod to all of the fifth graders...
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Our Week in Fifth Grade: 2-6-20

Advisory During advisory, the fifth graders created slide shows shared their strengths and weaknesses to show how everyone is unique. This ties into our curriculum to learn about people with disabilities. The classes also reflected on the year so far and created a list of things that have gone really well and things that the class needs to continue to work on. The students split into groups and each took on an area of improvement that they felt passionate about. The plan they created needed to be actionable and to include a way to collect evidence that the plan is...
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Our Week in Fifth Grade: 1-24-20

Advisory This week, the fifth graders had the hard conversation about the increasing threat of anti-semitism in our world. We talked about events that have occurred recently in New York and created a space for the students to share their thoughts, feelings, and concerns. The students had really beautiful reactions and shared some actions they could take to show that they are proud to be Jewish and to support the Jewish community. Some suggestions included not hiding their Judaism, saying something if they hear another kid make a mean comment about Jewish people, or call the police, erase (if possible),...
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Our Week in Fifth Grade- 1-10-20

Happy New Year! Welcome back to school! We have jumped right back into learning! Read on to find out what is happening in fifth grade… Advisory:  The fifth graders will begin their visits to BAC (Brooklyn Autism Center) next week. This is a wonderful opportunity for our students to interact with other children who are differently abled. We introduced the visits by talking about what ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) is and how it might manifest in the students we’ll be working with. The students then created a fun “get to know you:” activity that they will share with the students...
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Our Week in Fifth Grade- 12-20-19

Advisory The theme of advisory the last few weeks has been “kindness.” Each group worked together to define kindness. According to 5A, kindness is “being authentically nice, inclusive, and understanding while considering other’s feelings.” According to 5B, kindness is “the quality of being respectful, considerate, inclusive and helpful. Respecting others no matter their differences. Being nice, even if you aren’t friends. Being influenced by good Sympathizing, giving back Being nice to new people Then, the classes practiced giving and receiving compliments. Finally, the groups were put into teams and had to work together to crack the code on an Empathy...
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Our Week in Fifth Grade- 12-6-19

We hope that everyone had an enjoyable Thanksgiving break. We are thankful for getting to spend our days with each of your students. Read on to find out what we have been learning in fifth grade.  Humanities:  The students have continued working on their research essays. After taking notes from a variety of online and print sources, they learned how to organize the notes into categories which translated to the body paragraphs of their essays. Once the notes were in categories, we worked on writing an introductory paragraph beginning with a hook, followed by background information, and ending with a thesis...
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