(718) 858-8663

A Great Start to 2019!

Community Building
We had a wonderful return back to school including introducing new learning groups. Students were empowered to be a part of the selection process as they had the opportunity to vote for our new groups names. The winner of the class vote was:

Cherries and Apples- דובדבנים אדומים ותפוחים ירוקים

Ask your child what their new group name is!

We were impressed with the silent cheers when the winning group names were announced and by the discussion that followed. Evia told us that switching groups is a good chance to make new friends. Josh reminded the class that all students still get to be together during recess, lunch, and birthdays.

Throughout the week we have been reviewing rules, making new group signs, and getting back into regular second grade routines.

We are excited to have continue our joyful learning and growth in the new year!

Field Trip to Brooklyn Children’s Museum

As we delved into learning about erosion and how it can affect landforms, second graders went to the Brooklyn Children’s Museum to further explore this topic. The educator demonstrated an experiment “before” human impact (natural items in place), and “after” (loosening and displacing natural items). Following this, we  worked together to create an environment that allowed as little erosion as possible. We received different types of soil, moss, stones and trees to use to stop erosion from occurring. We also received small animal figurines to add to the structure to see if we could keep them safe once water was added the structures. We had a blast learning about how erosion can be found all around us!

Check out the other side of our bulletin board to see the erosion projects we worked on in class to prepare for our field trip. We created a natural scene where erosion is occurring and wrote about how the erosion is affecting nature.



Before winter break, we did a special project which blended science and art. The students used their evaporated salt crystals from an earlier experiment to create salt-watercolor paintings.  They experimented with different amounts of water, paint, and salt to create different effects on paper. Each student made a beautiful painting, some of which are 3-D! If you happen to come to school, they are currently on display on the bulletin board outside of the General Studies classroom.

Group Bonding in the Hebrew Room

Students were so excited to find out their new learning groups this week. On the first day back we played Hebrew games to connect with our new group mates. We took turns drawing Hebrew letters on our partners back and guessing which letter they were drawing. This was a nice way to work together, build trust, and review our Hebrew letters!