(718) 858-8663

8th Grade in January–We are buuusy!

Hi 8th grade parents!

Our students are in full-force preparing for their musical. We all can’t wait for you to see the beautiful sets, the wonderful music, and all the talented acting next Wednesday and Thursday!

In Humanities class, students have been studying tirelessly about the American revolution. Because of all the play rehearsals, students have been learning this material mostly independently. Big shout out to all their hard work! For ELA, students have chosen their nonfiction independent reading book and I have honestly never seen more excitement and energy around an independent reading project. The students have chosen really interesting books and are engaging deeply with their texts in the first weeks of reading. They are annotating and writing thoughtful responses!



Students in science have been conducting an experiment in order to discover the amounts of simple sugar in an assortment of food products. Students have been enforcing their laboratory procedures in order to master these skills for secondary school science. Conducting this experiment has allowed students to report accurate results of the sugar amounts within different food samples.  

Mike Noll


Dear parents,
Even though the rehearsals for the play are in full swing, the students have continued to make progress in Hebrew.
In 8K, the students have continued to review the main verbs that they have learned over the years, and practice using them in all tenses.
8J has been studying vocabulary related to media and communications, focusing on structures used in discussing talking on the phone and using social media in Hebrew.
I wish everyone a relaxed weekend,
Andreea Adereth
Judaic Studies
When not in rehearsal this week, students worked in small groups on their final project for Sefer Yehoshua. Using google slides, video, and art, students are creating “reports” from the 2 spies Yehoshua sent to scout out the city of Jericho. This project requires students to master the vocabulary we learned, to struggle with the big questions about what we are supposed to learn from a story that features a non-Israelite female prostitute as the heroine, and applying the new literary analysis tool of intertextuality. The 8th graders have been incredibly creative in preparing their “reports” for Yehoshua!
Shabbat shalom!