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6th Grade First Week of School 9/6/19


It’s been a busy first week in sixth grade! Because we have ten new students in the grade, we have really focused on our sixth grade community these first few days. First, we created re-wearable name tags with our names and special symbols, and we’ve been encouraging the students to wear their name tags each day. We also created a peer buddy system, so that each new student is paired with a returning student. Returning students have been showing their buddies around the school, sitting with them at lunch, and generally helping them feel welcome. You can see the list of buddies here: 6th Grade Peer Buddies. So far, all the students seem to be making fast friends! We can’t wait to continue to get closer as a sixth grade class.


Naomi & Mike N.


It has been so exciting to jump into learning with the sixth graders this year. In ELA (English Language Arts), We began by creating “sixth grade autobiographies,” in which each student shared a bit about themselves — including where they went to 5th grade, what languages they speak, and facts about themselves that others may not know. We then launched into discussions about our summer reading book, Gilgamesh the Hero. I love hearing students debate whether or not Gilgamesh is an admirable character. In Social Studies, we began the year by sharing objects that are important to our family history. Students brought in special cards, candlesticks, books about their family, and more. We used this activity to inspire conversations about the importance of preserving history, and about how objects and artifacts contain a wealth of information about the past. Below are a few photos of our activity, and you can view more photos at this link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/Q8TsaPY6Vxof5JK8A

I can’t wait to continue to get to know the students this year!

Shabbat shalom,




It’s been an exciting week getting to know each other and learning new routines. We are going to continue working on our organization skills and learning the ins and outs of completing group challenges. Next week, we will begin Chapter 1, Whole Numbers, beginning with order of operations. It’s going to be great! 
What an amazing start to the year! We have jumped right into our learning in Judaics with a text from the Mishnah (Oral Torah) about a Rabbi who used to say a prayer upon his entering and exiting of a Beit Midrash (house of study). We examined his prayer and thought about our intentions as we enter and exit Judaics as well as other spaces in our lives. The theme of intentional will continue as we begin our Rabbinics study of Rosh Hashana. We also enjoyed some Elul (current Hebrew month) themed tefillah (prayer) in class. We will hear the Shofar every day this month and discuss the idea of waking up and “trembling” before the start of the new year. I look forward to a great year with these wonderful students!
Shabbat Shalom,
להורים שלום,
שבוע ראשון עבר בהצלחה, התלמידים חזרו מאושרים ומוכנים לכיתה. במהלך השבוע ערכנו בעיקר משחקי היכרות בין תלמידי כיתה ה’ ל – ו’ כמו כן היכרות עם השינשיניים החדשים שלנו.
ביחידה הראשונה שלנו נקרא סיפור קצר, “הסיר של סבתא מרים” מאת רחל גבירץ, סיפור המדגיש ערכים של נתינה וקבלה המשולבים עם ערכי בית הספר שלנו.
סוף שבוע נעים,

Dear Parents,

Welcome to an amazing year! The 6th grade started the year by discussing the benefits of learning a second language and Hebrew in particular and the ways in which learning it connects us to Israel, Jewish culture and tradition, and develops our brain. Next, we started discussing our summer experiences and mapping them in Hebrew. Next week, the students will prepare a short presentation in which they describe their experiences this summer.

I wish everyone a successful year and look forward to an exciting and fruitful year!



It was such a treat to start my Wednesday morning with Bar/Bat Mitzvah class and the 6th grade!  To get us started thinking about our Jewish journey from childhood to adulthood, the students brainstormed all the responsibilities and privileges of getting older – i.e. going to school alone, taking care of siblings, getting phones.  Next week we will begin a short study of different coming of age ceremonies around the world.