(718) 858-8663

5th Grade Week of 10/8


What a great first full week! In Humanities, we continued studying Wonder while practicing a couple of kinds of discussions, including Socratic Seminars. We continued to work on Personal Narratives and revising techniques, and studied the fascinating lives of early humans in Social Studies. Have a great weekend!-Tony


This week, our fifth graders took their very first math quiz of the year. Two days before, all students took a pre-test to give them the practice they needed. The actual test followed the same format, so there were no surprises. Students will be given the opportunity to fix their errors (if any), and should use this as an opportunity to practice those areas they still need to master. Tests will be sent home for your signature, to be returned to me. We will then empty the math section in their accordion folders; those papers will be hole-punched and placed in a Math Binder they will maintain in their lockers.
This week, we continued to use estimation as a valuable tool to see if our answers make sense. We then proceeded to use a calculator to see find the exact answers to multiplication problems. We are now exploring patterns and strategies as we multiply whole numbers by 10, 100, and 1,000. 
In addition to being able to see me during lunch/study hall on Thursdays, I am also available on Tuesday afternoons at 4:00. Students are not required to stay for the entire period, and can simply stay for any help they need.-Fred
These past two weeks students had a vocab quiz, started writing short stories and worked on listening comprehensions. In addition, the class had a really fun activity with our new shinshinim. They learned about the challenges the Israeli pioneers had when the state was first established ( build kibbutzim, paved roads, and dried swamps).
Shabbat shalom –Yehuda

Excitement filled the science room with students looking forward to a full week of science. This week we introduced the scientific method. They needed to discover the parts and place them in logical order. This was followed by their first experiment using this method. In their next class we started our first collaborative partnership experiment. With their partner they had to create a single paper airplane after making a few prototypes. These airplanes were then flow on the roof and student accurately collected measurements to discover which design flew the furthest. Next week we will analyze this data and continue hands on projects that investigates the science concept of air resistance.  


להורים שלום,
השבוע המשכנו את הפרוייקט “המדריך למטייל”. התלמידים כבר נמצאים בשלבי גמר זאת לאחר שסיימו את מחקרם באינטרנט שכלל כתיבה וקריאה אודות המקומות בעברית.
בנוסף, השינשינים הגיעו לכיתתנו וערכו פעילות בנושא “מילה טובה”.
מאחלת לכם סוף שבוע טוב,





Mike Noll and Samantha Butwin





“This week we had a packet with shoreshim (roots of Hebrew words) and we had to see how many we knew from last year. It was fun, but we didn’t remember them all! The ones that we didn’t know we used a Hebrew to English dictionary. Some of us knew how to use the dictionary and others had to help each other. We had a competition on who could find words quicker, it was so much fun! We also reviewed Chumash skills like the names of the Books of the Torah, gematria and how to find our place in a Chumash. I am excited to get started learning Torah, but I prefer yahadut!” – Harlan 

We had a wonderful Rosh Chodesh service in 5th grade this week! Students all took on leadership roles and the room was filled with amazing spirit! We also learned the Brich Rachamana which is the short version of the Birkat Hamazon (Blessing after meals). 5th grade came up with hand motions for the middle school to use at lunch.

It has been a great full week back!
