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5th Grade Week of 10/22

Humanities: In Humanities this week, we continued our study of Wonder. Students transferred skills from our opinion writing unit to express opinions with evidence about Wonder. Students also examined a variety of opinion writing pieces as mentor texts. In Social Studies, we continued our study of early humans and civilizations. Have a good weekend!-Tony

Math: Multiplication was the name of the game the past two weeks in math. Students have learned and demonstrated a variety of strategies they can utilize in order to multiply whole numbers. We’ve also continued to round and estimate to ensure our answers are correct, or at least “in the neighborhood” of the correct answer. Fifth graders recorded these strategies in their math journals, as well as practiced the standard algorithm. Again, I am available early in the morning, Tuesday afternoons after 4:00PM, and during Thursday’s lunch/study hall.-Fred

Judaics: Students have been immersed in the text of Bereshit 37 these past two weeks. We looked back and Jacob’s life and saw how his past may have affected his future. We took note of themes like; sibling rivalry, jealousy, favoritism, trickery, dreaming etc. We used Instagram templates to make “posts” from Jacob showing how an event in his past may have affected how he was later in life as a father to Joseph. We have already seen how the theme of favoritism reoccurred when Jacob gave the striped coat to Joseph and the text said that he loved him more than any of his children. Students began the tradition of “Journal Thursdays” where they journal for five minutes about a personal connection to a major theme in our text. They then get to practice active listening with proper body language by turning to listen to the presenting students. Students get to stand up proud and carefully on their chair to share their personal connections. I have been so impressed by the students openness during this routine and their growing ability to actively listen to each other. We also have began to learn grammar concepts with verbs and nouns in our Chumash text. Students took clear notes and identified where these concepts occur in the first five psukim (sentences) of our text. Next week we will begin our Unit of study on Hannah Senesh and introduce the Pre 1948 Israel curriculum that we will be learning this year. Shabbat Shalom-Laura


להורים שלום
השבוע התלמידים התחילו לעבוד על מבחני אוונט שימשכו כשבועיים. מבחנים אלה בודקים ארבע מיומנויות למידה, כתיבה, שמיעה, הבנת הנקרא, דיבור. המבחן הוא כלי מדד המאפשר לנו לבדוק את מצבם של התלמידים והיכן ניתן לסייע להם. אין להם כל השפעה על הציון בתעודה.
בנוסף, השינשינים הגיעו אלינו והעבירו פעילות על יום הזיכרון ליצחק רבין.
סוף שבוע טוב,
Advisory: In advisory this week, students attended a NAMLE workshop, in which they learned about media literacy and strategies to identify reputable websites and resources online. In addition, we began a project on the midterm elections, in which we are examining the elections taking place in the Northeast. Students are using online resources to research these campaigns and come up with their own campaign for a candidate.
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