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April 21, 2023

Kindergarten Blog 4/21

Dear Kindergarten Families, We hope you all had a wonderful break. The kindergartners returned from vacation looking like 1st graders! In Handwriting, kindergartners have begun new handwriting workbooks, in which they practice writing full sentences, with a capital letter in the beginning, and a period at the end. We are emphasizing writing slowly and carefully to practice our best handwriting. In Writers Workshop, we read Fireflies, and are continuing to practice careful story planning and adding lots of details to make our stories interesting and exciting. We continue to work on leaving spaces between words, writing letters for every sound...
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First Grade News

Hello Families, In the Hebrew classroom this week, we started traveling through the state of Israel! We started at Kineret , then made our way, and visited the port city of Haifa. Students wrote sentences in Hebrew of what we can find in Haifa and drew pictures of the city inspired by images they saw in photographs, videos, and books. We look forward to continuing our travels to new places in Israel next week. We learned about the omer, the time between Passover to the next holiday, Shavuot.  Every day at the end of tefilah we count how many days we are into the omer. When we reach the forty-ninth day...
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Thursday in Israel

We started off our day davening right at the edge of the Makhtesh. Despite the beautiful view, it was incredibly cold and windy, and we had to move before the Torah reading. The night before, we packed up all our things to get ready to sleep in a Bedouin tent. We locked our suitcases in the bottom of our bus and drove off to an alpaca farm. At the farm, we got to see alpacas, llamas, goats, dogs, and horses, and also learned the difference between a llama and an alpaca. We even got spat at by some.  We drove...
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