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March 4, 2022

3rd Grade: 3/4

We hope you all had an enjoyable break! Reading: Before break we finished reading Because of Winn Dixie and started watching the movie. The kids were excited to see this story on screen and kept comparing it to the book, often shouting, “That is not how I pictured it!” Afterwards we read Dyamond Daniel and compared Dyamonde to Opal. They both moved to new places and were looking for friends. Dyamonde was nice to everyone, even Free who wasn’t nice to her, and looking for friends her own age. Opal did not want to be friends with the Dewberry boys as they...
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March 4 2022 — March has flown in like a lion …

Hebrew with Rimma Students continued to practice Past Tense in this unit within the context of talking about when they were born and where. We recapped the names of the Gregorian months and the Hebrew months and learned 4 digital numbers for the year. We began with their date of birth and ended up with a discussion around some important historical events in the past while practicing how to say the year when it happened.  We practiced two and three digit numbers in a shopping role-play, practicing buying and selling items in a shop, asking how much something costs and...
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Kindergarten Blog 3/4

Dear Kindergarten Families,   We had some unexpected Kindergarten fun this week.  Moving from 2D shapes to 3D shapes we were looking at cones and many children were introduced for the first time to a funnel! This led to some water play to experiment with how the funnel worked and ended up with a Kindergartner doing a water show for his classmates and many plastic animals!  We also experimented with 3D shapes (cubes, cylinders, spheres, and cones) to see which ones could slide, roll and stack on top of one another!   But it was not all fun and games...
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We have been learning about stereotypes in second grade. The students first discussed what stereotypes are and learned about the definition of a stereotype – the false ideas that all members of a group think and behave in the same way. Then the kids engaged in an activity collaboratively in small groups where they brainstormed ideas about older people and teenagers. Some of their original thoughts included: Older People – have gray hair, they are slow, like to sleep and watch the news a lot and play card games. Teenagers – talk a lot, like to go to the mall,...
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